

Thursday, June 30, 2011


Hello everyone,
      Hope you all are all enjoying some beautiful summer days. Summer has finally arrived here and I am loving it! We went for a drive yesterday and passed by a road side stand selling their fresh organic strawberries so we picked up a box to enjoy-they were sweet and juicy.
 As soon as we got home I made some biscuits and whipped some cream for one of my favorite summer treats-strawberry shortcake.

Help yourself-you won't be sorry.
I had to go out to the garden to really enjoy my afternoon tea break.

While you are here have a better look at Martha's(statues name) Garden. This is probably my favorite time in this garden as the Slender Deutiza are in full bloom and it is mainly a white garden. there is the sound of the water fountain on the wall and there are a couple of birds that have built their nest in here so we are sharing the garden.
As Bernideen said in her comment yesterday- it is hard to believe there was snow not that long ago. How quickly things change!

Anyone for seconds? I think I better get Andrew to hide them from me as I think they were 'berry good'!

My sister arrives from Vancouver this weekend and lets not forget the Royals are coming on Sunday also.I have been invited to a 'Royal Tea' at a friend of a friends Monday afternoon as well. it will be fun to go to someone else's tea party. Also,I am hosting a high tea birthday party on Wednesday-so that should be fun too.

I am joining in Tablescape Tuesday at Between Naps on the Porch and Show and Tell at My Romantic Home .

Happy Canada tomorrow to all my Canadian friends!

Thank you for visiting and for all your kind words too.


I am getting ready for some tours this weekend so I better get busy. Before I go though I


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