

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Garden Tour

Hello everyone,
     We are enjoying some beautiful sunny days so the garden is coming ahead in leaps and bounds.I can walk around in the morning and again in the evening and it has already changed. I have more then a hundred peonies in the garden and they are rapidly opening up their beautiful fragrant blooms.
   So, today I have a few garden shots to share with you that were taken in the last couple of days.

This is the Nymph peony above and below.It is a single so it doesn't need to be staked.I love the color combo of the Magnificum geraniums and the Lady's Mantle with the peony.Every year I divide my Magnificum geraniums and spread them around the garden.Lady's Mantle often reseeds itself.
Close up of Nymph
The hosta also looks good in the color combo.
Lupins a spirea Thor I think and Wine and Roses weigela.also make a pretty combo.
An early rose.
Walker's Low Nepeta is often mistaken for lavender.
One of the Canadian lilacs-but I forget which one.I love them all!
The Slender Deutzia is blooming in Martha's Garden.
Siberian Iris.
The lilac blooming here is Miss Canada-she blooms prolifically every year.

This is shot from the front veranda looking to the driveway.
The pink Beautybush is starting to bloom.

Well, there is lots more to see but you will have to come back another day!

Thanks for visiting,



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