

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Simple Beauty

Hello everyone,
     I have been a bit scarce lately, as I didn't seem to have much time to play with my camera, but after getting chased in from the garden by rain and wind at noon today, I decided it was time to practice with my macro lens for awhile. For those of you who would like to know, I have a Canon Rebel camera that I really enjoy using.

I know, I need lots more practice, but these where just a few pretty things that I came across in my kitchen.It is amazing the simple beauty that you can create with a macro lens.

I found these lacy mugs at the thrift shop last week,-cute eh?

A couple of people have asked me for the name of this pretty teacup, so I am sharing it with all of you just in case you love it too! I hope this helps in your search.

I have been enjoying doing one of my favorite tasks in the garden, dividing and moving my perennials around. There are always areas that need improvement, and this is definitely the cheapest way of adding new color to a bed.We have also been doing some of the not so fun stuff too, like weeding and edging but it is so good to be out in the garden again. A few of you have also asked about our climate here on the Island, and although we do have a late spring, especially this year, from now until October we have pretty near ideal growing conditions. We have good loamy soil and usually enough rain to get by without watering, except for planters etc.In the summer our temperatures are usually in the mid 20's Celsius or some where in the 80's Fahrenheit.We do get a few days of hot humid weather but we also have those lovely Island breezes.Annuals can't go out here though until early June usually because of danger of a late frost, and in the Fall usually early October is when we get a killing frost.The cooler temperatures in spring allows the daffodils,tulips etc. to bloom for a longer period of time, so there are advantages to these long slow springs.Now, I want you all to know they don't call Prince Edward Island the "Garden Province" for nothing!

 Now,don't take my word for it come and check it out for yourself!!!
  I am happy to say that we will soon be having our Japanese visitors coming to our home and garden for tours again.There is a lot I want to get done, so everything will be looking it's best by early June.

Thank you for being patient with me,



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