

Monday, May 16, 2011

Feeling Blue?

Hello everyone,
  Is all this wet chilly weather making you feel blue? Well, let's settle in for a nice cup of tea using an assortment of my blue china.
 The cups and saucers are Spode and I bought them last year at an antique barn in Maine.They were on sale for a great price so I happily took them home with me. 

This teapot and creamer are made in Japan and I bought them at the 70 mile yard sale a few years ago.

I hope you enjoyed feeling blue! Now, why not sit for awhile and enjoy some inspiration from the Victoria magazine while you have another cup of tea. This May issue features lilacs and I am so looking forward to mine blooming.
Thankfully,there is some sunshine and warmer temps in the forecast for later in the week,which sounds just peachy to me! Oh! wait I think that is tomorrow's theme!

Thank you for stopping in for tea and I am joining Tea Time Tuesday once again at Rose Chintz Cottage.

I am also joining Kathy at A Delightsome Life for her weekly Victoria party.

Take care,


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