

Monday, May 30, 2011

Pictures that strike an emotion- An encore!

Hope you are enjoying your Memorial Day weekend! We are headed to a friends for a bbq, but the rumbles of thunder and ominous gray clouds are telling me we might not be having our bbq party al fresco as she planned.....

When I first started blogging in January, I did a post entitled "pictures that strike an emotion" on random pictures that just send me to another place. I am amazed at the ability of how pictures and images can truly transport us to another place even if only for  a few minutes. Sometimes at the end of a very hectic day(lately very often), I need those little visuals to allow me to "decompress" and they are great aids in really helping me unwind. Since I had very few followers at that time, it is likely most followers didn't get to see that post,  but it remains today one of my Mom's all time favorites, so I decided to bring back round two of that post and include some of those images as well as a few new additions, all things that really strike an emotion with me. I just love each and every one! Inspiration comes in so many forms, small things like certain foods  and big things like fabulous buildings and landmarks. Creative things like incredible art or a movie that moves us to tears. Then awe inspring things like nature.  Do pictures have power over you like that too? Are you a very visual person? Please take a look and I would love to know what you think and as always if you have a favorite! Mom....this ones for you!
What's more inspirational than our beautiful American flag?

A table for two with the surf at your feet......sounds awfully nice!

Relaxation overlooking the ocean on a perfect calm humid free day with not a care in the world.
A table for two in this most splendid courtyard brimming with white flowers in full bloom!
Napa Valley....this is my personal ultimate heaven.
Can't imagine waking up to a grander more beautiful room Christmas morning!
Whats more beautiful than seeing a bride and groom........seeing them on a beach!
Tomatoes right off the vine out of your garden, still warm from the sun...yummy!
Watching an elegant horse show
How about the magic of seeing a snow covered tunnel of trees on a unplowed road with the sun just barely filtering through?

A glass of chilled white wine, freshly picked grapes sitting al fresco
Dinner for two on a remote beach...sounds great to me!
Whats prettier than seeing a magnificent horse grazing at pasture at a beautiful horse farm?
How about the majesty of seeing a beautiful yacht race? 

A rustic table set for two in a vineyard! I am so there!
Is there anything as breathtaking as the lavender fields in Provence in full bloom?
Need I say more?
A beautiful farm in the country at sunset
Magnificent Rio De Janeiro.....that is one inspirational city!
Walking through a beautiful spot like this during the peak of fall foliage
Checking into your oceanfront Caribbean hotel suite for a week...BLISS!!
Pumpkins and hay...signaling that fall has arrived!
Arriving to Capri for a week of relaxation via your private motor yacht?
A big old fashioned country wedding!!!!!
Magnificent coast dotted wtih all the fabulous Newport mansions in Newport, Rhode Island
A serene boathouse on a lake, like this one at Blackberry Farm
Loire Valley in France... a place that literally takes your breath away!
Sitting at a chic bistro in Paris people watching...ahhh fun!
The quintessential ski town of Aspen at a little jewel
Gorgeous Hawaii...pure paradise!
Visiting a farmers market and choosing from the colorful fresh picks of the day!
An evening "stroll" in Venice
A walk in solitude with mans best friend along a canopy of huge towering trees.....
Visiting a favorite musuem and taking in the splendor
You are never too old to enjoy an old fashioned Popsicle....its quintessential summer!
Spectacular suns rays streaming through the canopy of moss covered trees in the Deep South
Ahhh....Paris in the springtime, I hear the accordions playing my song
This is perfection right here. All that's missing is a book, a stack of magazines, a cool tropical mojito, a few tidbits to snack on and silence!

Well, hope you found some inspiration here of your own. Did one picture really do it for you? Would love to know which! Wishing you a wonderful Memorial day!



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