

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

You Can't See the Village for the Market

A kaleidoscope of colors at the Aix-en-Provence
flower market. April 2011.
French markets overflow with colorful goods and good people. Visiting villages on market day is often high on the list of priorities for many travelers. You can easily build a "market-a-day" travel itinerary. I've been to many markets in Paris, Provence and the French Riviera. Indeed, it is great fun and the fresh foods, flowers and handmade crafts are especially appealing. The interaction with the vendors is both educational and entertaining.

After spending nine days in Paris in April, I looked forward to a week in the village of Aix-en-Provence. Aix is a convenient base for accessing the surrounding area—the Provence countryside and Luberon villages, the Mediterranean coast, the western French Riviera and the Camargue—no more than a two hour drive in any direction.

One of the most famous and popular markets in the region of Provence takes place in the lovely village of L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue. A river literally runs through the picturesque village.

My first full day in Provence was a Sunday and perfectly timed for the not-to-be-missed market day in L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue! I saw the antique stalls, the spices, the fabrics, the flowers and everything else at the market.

Sunday market day in L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue in Provence, France.
Vendor stalls line both sides of the river. April 2011.
After spending the morning browsing the market and enjoying lunch of chilled wine, fresh veggies, cheese and strawberries, it was time to take to the winding country roads. Driving past vineyards and rolling hills there were many choices for the rest of the day, but I opted to visit the villages of Bonnieux and Goult. 

These two Luberon villages were sleepy and practically empty on that Sunday afternoon. Wandering the cobblestoned streets, climbing rocky and precarious steps for vistas, it was a perfect day for getting lost in the maze of village houses. I could hear the laughter and attempt to eavesdrop on the French conversations among the locals as I passed the cafes.

Later in the week, I visited the bustling markets, in particular the flower market, in my "home village" of Aix-en-Provence. It was after the flower market that I learned a valuable lesson. I visited the flower market in the morning, then walked to a nearby cafe for a leisurely lunch indoors, out of the rain. 

After lunch, the sun was out and as I walked through the Place de l'Hôtel de ville again, the flower vendors were gone and the square had taken on a whole new vibe. Cafes and conversations. Strolling couples, families and friends. 

When the market packs up at the end of the day, the ambiance is entirely different. I've blindly traveled for years without stopping to appreciate this remarkable transformation.

Aix-en-Provence flower market on a rainy April morning.
A few hours later, the market is gone
and the same square is a cafe scene.
Aix-en-Provence. April 2011.
I sadly realized that I hadn't really experienced the true village of L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue without festive adornment. The squares and streets that I saw were crowded with visitors and tourists. I didn't go inside the local shops. I can only guess that the streets were cobblestoned. I don't know anything about the historical buildings, monuments or beautiful architecture. For this trip, it was too late to return to L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue to really get to know her.

While the market was extraordinary, I am left with a feeling that perhaps I missed something even more extraordinary.

Words and photos by Freda Cameron, Defining Your Home, Garden and Travel. All company or product or patented names mentioned are registered trademarks, copyrights, or patents owned by those respective companies or persons.

Blossom Time

   Hello everyone,
            I am back again as there is just so much beauty all around us now so I wanted to share some of it with you. My husband and I went for a walk on the Confederation Trail today near our home and all around us there were lovely little gifts from nature.

The wild apple trees were all coming out in blossom and they are just so beautiful and they smell good too!
 So I had some fun with my macro lens again.

Appleblossoms in my new French watering can.

/I hope you had some beauty in your life today too!

I am joining in for White Wednesday at Faded Charm today.

Thank you for visiting me,


Unidentified Flower in Las Vegas

Unidentified Flower in Las VegasMay 9, 2011
One thing we have not done in Las Vegas is wander through a nursery.  This beautiful flower that I think is a member of the orchid family was a common planting at several Las Vegas casinos.  It was quite pretty so next time we visit Las Vegas I am going to make a point to go through a couple of plant nurseries.  Surprisingly when trying to identify

a relaxing weekend

Did everyone have a wonderful long weekend?  We had a lovely and relaxing weekend here in town not doing much of anything in particular.  We attended some family gatherings and messed about the house. Sometimes those weekends are the nicest, don't you think?

How about you?  Did you do anything exciting, go anywhere fun, or just hang out and relax?

Garden Tour and a Tea

Hello everyone,
    It is the end of May already and now we are coming into June my favorite month of the year! Although I love all the seasons everything is so fresh,lush and green in June and you still have all the days of summer ahead to look forward to. 

We have had some visitors to the garden already and although it is still early in our garden season there is still much to enjoy.

I hope you didn't notice the daffys need to be deadheaded here.

These photos were taken last week and already the garden has changed. Soon the early peonies and the lilacs will be blooming.

Since it is sunny but windy today- come inside for a cup of tea. Sit here by the window to enjoy the beautiful sunshine. You can watch the hummingbirds flutter from flower to flower outside the window while these little hummers steal a sip of your tea..

The broader picture in evening light.

Enjoy a peek through some Victoria magazines and have a little relaxation while you are here. I look forward to each new Victoria magazine and I hope it will soon become a monthly issue.

Today I am joining Sandi at Rose Chintz Cottage as well as Kathy at A Delightsome Life for their lovely Tuesday parties and also a new tea party at Trisha's Sweetology .

I hope you enjoyed the tea and tour!

Take care,

Pots and Pots of Plants

I can remember when I lived in New York state several years ago, Memorial Day weekend was the weekend to plant flowers in all of my containers.

So I thought of all of my northern friends this weekend and wondered if that is what you all were doing.

Here in NC, I am able to plant my containers a little earlier.  So I planted mine a few weeks ago.

I love vibrant colors, so most of my flowering plants are reds, purples and yellows.

Did you plant your containers this weekend?
Welcome Home,

Calgon take me away!!

And a happy Tuesday morning to you! Hope everyone has recovered from their Memorial day weekends and that they were enjoyable. The sun ended up coming out here after all and we had such a great time at our friends house, I wish I had taken my camera! She did such an amazing job...and her backyard looks like a posh resort. Despite the oppressive humidity and heat, we all had a wonderful time in the great outdoors......hope yours was relaxing as well.
 Bathrooms have never been as big as they are right now,. They have become major focal points in decorating. Bathrooms today are outfitted with more bells and whistles and lets face it with life's stresses there are few things that can soak away your troubles and worries like a deep soak in a wonderful luxurious bathtub! Is there anything better than closing the door to the chaos and stress raging outside your bathroom door, and at least temporarily forgetting your troubles by luxuriating in your own beautiful bathroom! I don't think so. 
Add a beautiful tub to a luxurious bathroom laden with gorgeous marble flooring, just the right wood trim, a fabulous vanity and/or dressing table, luxurious plump towels, maybe a beautiful little chandelier, or light fixture and I would say you have yourself a little slice of heaven. This post is all about a getaway of sorts, of which I like to write about often but this one is in your very own home...your bathroom! Check these beauties you have a favorite? Do you have special design secrets that you would care to share on how to create the ultimate bathroom?

This bathroom is really spot on, understated elegance...just perfect! Palm Design group
Beautiful in its all white simplicity, the fabulous materials speak for themselves,Arch Digest
I love what looks to be limed oak beautiful! Decorpad
Another fabulously appointed master getaway by Nunnerly
Love the timeless elegance that this bathroom has, with the clawfoot tub, stone floors, beautiful collection of botanical prints, tufted chair, a winning combination. Southern Accents
Joe Nye created this Moorish feeling bath, so pretty!
Christopher Noto created this fabulously romantic and luxurious bathroom, love the flooring and french chair.....definitely a room meant to linger in
Blue and white wallpaper was added to this sophisticated bathroom to give it warmth and color, House Beautiful
Paolo Moschino created this beautiful elegant bathroom, feels more like an actual room!
This spa feeling master bathroom could keep me hostage for hours, love the tub...soothing colors are also just beautiful! Beckwith Interiors
Fabulous built in tub surrounded by two interesting closets, love the plate idea! Southern Accents
Amanda Nisbet used a very pretty and warm pink wallpaper to warm up this bathroom
While this isn't my personal taste, I can so appreciate the boat shaped tub overlooking that sensational!
Meg Braff gave this elegant marble bath a delicate wallpaper to warm things up...I like it!
An understated elegant retreat, PalmDesign Group
How about the luxury of a copper free standing tub such as this one in this elegant French castle like room? Pure opulence!
Fabulous mosaic marbled wall is the ultimate luxury in this sleek understated bath, Artistic
What a beautiful oasis! The large window overlooking the sea, the chair..perfection! Jill Shevlin for Intrinsic Designs
A gorgeous copper bathtub creates such an old world feel while adding a bit drama, Penelope Bianchi
I love the soft creamy colors of these bathroom, there is a timeless elegance which I find especially appealing here, the crystal scones are a beautiful touch Sandra Nunnerly
An old white bathroom is so elegant coupled with a rich dark wood vanity, Jim Howard
This more modern bathroom showcases the sculpted tub overlooking the huge window,  
Vincent Wolfe
Nancy Boszhardt chose to clad this entire bathroom in an old world looking marble, timeless
Scott Snyder designed this fabulous marble encased oasis, the fireplace is an extra luxurious touch!
How about this marble encased little gem of a bathroom with a wall of glass to your very own outdoor courtyard and shower! Pretty over the top!
Love an old fashioned elegant bathtub like this situated in front of a large window..perfect!
Laura Kirar
Barbara Westbrook choose to use beadboard to give this bathroom a more casual coastal feel
Gorgeous the natural colored settee, what a fabulous addition! Palm Design Group
Karly Pierce Paxton created a very old world elegant oasis in this gorgeous master retreat
Cathy Kincaid designed this interested Moroccan feeling bath, so exotic!
Gorgeous large window opens to a beautiful can dream that you are in Tuscany!
When simple pared down elegance is just enough, Christina Murphy
Diana Sawicki beautifully exemplifies the power of white on white in this fabulous bathroom
Another one of my favorite bathrooms, love the tone on tone colors, the elegant appointments, and the simple caned chair is a nice little touch...tres elegant! Nancy Boszhardt
This bathroom shows the power of soft lighting, a must! 

 Did you have a personal favorite? So are you ready for your bubble bath and your glass of bubbly? I sure am.....but  reality beckons and its time to run errands!! Hope you have an enchanted day!

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