

Monday, May 7, 2012

~♥ Yard Sales & Crafting ♥~

Hello on this lovely Monday afternoon.  I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.  I had the opportunity to do a little yard saling with my friend, Lisa, on Saturday before we headed to a baby shower.  I found this porcelain figurine for $1.00!  I thought it was sweet...I love baby animals.
I also found this Pennsylvania Dutch plate for .50 cents...some of the sayings on it are a hoot!
Here's some of them:

"Papa's at the table and half et already."
"Eat the plate clean and tomorrow will be a good day."
"We grow too soon olde und too late schmart."
"Katie wants marryin' she's 16 already."
"She's chust so wonderful nice."
"You get me all ferhuddled."
"Outen the light."


On Sunday, I met with a few friends for brunch at the local was so yummy!
I decided to make the girls a little Mother's Day gift from an idea I saw on Pinterest...I love that site.

This is what mine looked like:
I gave each friend a notepad, pen and a packet of "Forget Me Not" seeds.  They can use the tag as a bookmarker as well.
I scanned the picture of four children all dressed in white from a photograph that belonged to my Husband's Grandmother.  My Mother-In-Law inherited a whole box of pictures but she was going to get rid of them because she had no idea who they were...I told her I would gladly take them off of her hands.

Please feel free to use the picture for your crafting purposes.



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