

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tea on the Porch

Hello everyone,
      I hope you are all enjoying these beautiful days of spring. This is my favorite time of the year when everything is so green and lush and there is the promise of all the beauty yet to come. Our lilacs are just starting to pop so as I walk around the garden this morning I had my first wift of there beautiful fragrance. The song of so many birds also brings so much pleasure on my little tours around the garden.It is always hard to leave the garden this time of the year even to come indoors. This could be why I shed a few pounds this time of year only to put them back on when I move back indoors in the fall!
  Anyway, it is tea time on the veranda(screened porch)today and it is so good to be out here on these warm sunny days.

This cup and saucer was given to me and it has the ladies slipper on it -the flower emblem for Prince Edward Island.
This Shelley teacup was also a gift from a good friend.
Some tulips from the garden for a little bouquet.

After tea you can curl up on the old iron bed for a nap if you like!

The pretty pink Angelique tulip-not overly perennial in our garden but some always come back for a couple of years at least. I must remember to get more in the fall as they are one of my favorites.
The other end of the porch is the dining area.
Well, I hope you enjoyed  tea on the porch. I must get back out to the garden, as I have some new plants to get planted and it is going to shower tonight so perfect timing!

My husband is up on the roof of the barn painting the steel-I can hardly bare to watch him as I am afraid of heights -fortunately he has no fear!

I am joining Rose Chintz Cottage for Tea Time Tuesday today.

Thank you for visiting,



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