

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

One word with Marianne of Style for Living

Good morning. What a weekend! Thanks to you, the launch of The Enchanted Home Shop  was a fabulous success and started off with a big bang! Thanks for your kind words, support and your orders, I assure you I am very busy trying to get everything organized, ordered and expedited! Be sure to stop in often as I will be adding new items frequently. And of course feel free to email me with any inquires or questions- thank you so very much again! Now the lucky 2 winners chosen through

Congratulations to..........
Prize IDWinner IDPublic InfoPrivate InfoRandom Sorting IDWeight
1: Seda France1377394debby Inspireddesign002C73C8-C86F-45CE-B428-9C8BC32C471B1
2: Staffordshire dogs1377541

I am so happy to present to you today,  a wonderful blog friend, whose blog is one of my "must reads" for the day. Marianne's blog, Style for Living is as inspirational as it is beautiful. You know one of those people who you can just tell is the salt of the earth and someone who you know you could easily become friends with if you met?  A class act all the way Marianne is a wonderful, kind, and charming blogger. Someone who if you don't yet know, you must get to know! Based in Seattle (anyone else notice how many amazing bloggers there are in Seattle)? Marianne always offers a beautiful, elegant and fresh take on all things design and she loves great food (major brownie points in my book for this one) and like me is a fan of Ina Garten. So without further is lovely Marianne.

Marianne of Style for Living

One quality I love in people is… good manners.

If my house could only be furnished in one color it would definitely have to be… white.

One luxury I cannot live without is… a great handbag.

If I had to have one designer decorate my entire house with 0 input from me it would have to be… Steven Gambrel.

If I had to choose coffee or tea it would be… tea.

One place I have been that I would love to go back to is… Paris, I feel so at home in this city.

One place I am longing to visit is… anywhere in Italy.

One talent I wish I had is… to draw.

I think most people would agree I am very funny.

If I could change one quality about myself it would be… that I'm impatient.

One career I could see myself having would be… to have a foundation.

If food is therapy, when stressed I indulge in… haagen dazs butter pecan ice cream.

One of my favorite brands for clothing is… J.Crew.

If my life were a book, the title would be… Marianne Simon Design.  I dream of having my work in a book one day.

My favorite flowers are… peonies.

I would love to have coffee and a chat session with this famous person… Ina Garten, aka Barefoot Contessa.

A favorite TV show… Downton Abbey.

Hollywood is… obnoxious.

Tuscany or Provence?… Provence.

The next presidential election will be… November 6, 2012.  That's all I'm saying.

The one best thing about blogging is… inspiration and friendships.  I guess that's 2 things!

A guilty pleasure for me is… shopping.

A clothing designer I think that has great style is… Tory Burch, love her new collection.

My strongest quality would have to be … I'm very thoughtful.

The best restaurant I have ever been to was… The Harvest Vine in Seattle.

Most overrated actor/actress is… the Kardashians, although they're reality stars, not actresses.

If my life were a documentary, I could see this actress playing me… Kate Winslet, although we don’t look alike, I admire her talent.

One thing I like about my appearance is… my skin.

One thing I can honestly say I love about myself is… my determination.

Town or country… town, but would love a country house too!

One person I admire is… my mom.

Pick a decade to live in, any decade… now!

My favorite room of my house is… my office.
(This is Marianne's beautiful home office)

If I were an animal I would be… my dogs.  They have really great lives!

A book I would recommend to everyone would be… Same Kind of Different as Me.

If I were planning a huge family reunion, this is where I would want to have it… the beach.

One thing I wish everyone could be more of is… kind to others.

In one word life incredible journey.
Pretty fantastic, wouldn't you agree? Beautifully said Marianne. Here are my observations , I want to crash your beachside family reunion, am intrigued to read your book recommendation, LOVE peonies almost as much as I love Butter pecan ice cream (zilch willpower around that little carton)! Agree that Tory Burch has great personal style and yes to Italy and Paris!!  Woo hoo....two of my most favorite places. And finally exactly what do the Kardashians do again? Glad I am not the only one who "doesn't quite get it". Hope you all enjoyed getting to know Marianne just a little better, I sure did.Thanks to all for stopping in. Click here to visit Marianne over at Style for Living. Stop be and say hello, and let her know you enjoyed her post! Wishing everyone a fabulous day!



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