

Thursday, March 22, 2012

One word with Debra of Acquired Objects

Before I begin with my post I wanted to let you all know that Lisa, a new blogging friend who has a newer blog decided to feature me and my new store and did a brief interview. Hope you will stop over to take a peek. Its always great for a new blogger to get some love.....and I know she would be thrilled to hear from you. Click here to visit me at 16Lstreet blog to say hello after you read all about Debra!

Hi there! This morning I am delighted to have textiles dealer extraordinaire and a blog friend, Debra from Acquired Objects as my guest for One Word today. I am so happy that she is here. Debra lives in beautiful picturesque Vermont on a beautiful property and getting to see life through her eyes is always a huge treat and like a mini virtual getaway for me every time I visit her blog. Not to mention she reminds me of the joy found in the simple pleasures in life, like getting to plan her very own secret garden! She is fortunate to have her business on premise (in a beautifully restored carriage barn nonetheless)  and her things are truly spectacular. If you are not familiar with Debra and her store, Oreillers,  filled with textile treasures from the past then you must visit. I know when I am putting the finishing touches on my living room I will be taking a look at her exquisite antique pillows.

Click here to visit her store (get your bib on for the drooling that will take place)  and click here to visit her beautiful blog. Debra is someone I consider a friend and is I am sure we can all agree, is a  quality person who is supportive, kind and thoughtful. Someone who has very refined taste, a true vision and is a great supportive blog friend to many. We both have goldens, Dylan and Teddy, who could practically be long lost brothers with their "robust" frames and cheery personalities.  It was so great to get to know her better and suffice to say I am as big a fan as I ever was. Hope you too enjoy getting to know a little more about Debra. Thank you for stopping by and thank you Debra for being my guest today!

        Debra of Acquired Objects

One quality I love in people is: Sincerity 
If my house could only be furnished in one color it would definitely have to be: Only one? White

One luxury I cannot live without..facials

If I had to have one designer decorate my entire house with 0 input from me it would have to be...Daryl Carter

If I had to choose coffee or tea it would be: Coffee

One place I have been that I would love to go back to...Italy

One place I am longing to visit is: Africa

One talent I wish I had was: singing

I think most people would agree I am very..loyal. 

If I could change one quality about myself it would be...opinionated

One career I could see myself having would be: A chef

If food is therapy, when stressed I indulge in...chocolate!

One of my favorite brands for clothing is: Calvin Klein (I am busty so I like clean lines)

If my life were a book, the title would be..."Anything goes"

My favorite flower is..Tuberose

I would love to have coffee and a chat session with this famous person..Diane Sawyer.

A favorite TV show I can't miss: Love it or list it (HGTV)

Hollywood is..overrated

Tuscany or Provence? Tuscany.

The next presidential election will be: interesting

The one best thing about blogging is: Friendships

A guilty pleasure for me is...lobster!

A clothing designer I think that has great style..Valentino (for his elegance)

My strongest quality would have to be: loyalty

The best restaurant I have ever been to was...Ora d'Aria in Florence,Italy

Most overrated actor/actress is:Tom Cruise 

If my life were a documentary, I could see this actress playing me: Sandra Bullock

One thing I like about my appearance is: my hair.

One thing I can honestly say I love about myself is: honesty

Town or country: country

One person I admire: My husband

Pick a decade to live in, any decade: 70's (big hair)

My favorite room of my house is: my kitchen

If I were an animal I would be
Dylan (Debras dog..what a cutie pie)
                                             A book I would recommend to everyone would be..anything by Simon Winchester, I am reading Kraakatoa now

If I were planning a huge family reunion, this is where I would want to have backyard

One thing I wish everyone could be more of...compassionate

                                                          In one word life is...amazing!

Wondeful Debra! I found myself agreeing on so many I lost track. It is amazing to me how much us bloggers have in common! And our love for  Italy and Tuscany is off the charts. I seriously think we need to plan a major bloggers convention there:) Chocolate therapy is the best kind, couldn't agree more! And Hollywood is incredibly overrated, must agree, and that includes Tom Cruise.  So enjoyed this and I hope you all did too. Stop on over to Acquired Objects and say hi to Debra by clicking here. Many thanks for stopping in, wishing everyone a fabulous day.


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