

Friday, March 23, 2012

Coming up for air after one crazy week.....

Good Friday what are you up to this Friday night? We were supposed to go to dinner with friends but alas I am way too wiped out and am already in my pjs and ready to call it a night (and wouldn't want it any other way)!  Tomorrow night we have a big party to attend which I know will be a late night so have to rest up tonight:)  Where to begin......I cannot thank you enough for your support and encouragement with my new online store. I think however the saying "be careful what you wish for" may apply. It was incredibly validating to have such  an amazing response to my online store  but I have to admit I wasn't prepared for it and was utterly overwhelmed. I realized this when I was sitting at my desk with a mile high pile of papers and invoices drinking coffee that tasted stale but desperate for any thing to give me a boost I kept chugging along,  only to realize I had been sipping coffee from the day before...ewwwhh! Then the next morning, went to my local fruitstand and realized my jacket was on inside out, I think at that point I was at the "crash and burn stage". 

 I consider myself the ultimate multi tasker, 'Ms. can do anything" and it takes a lot for me to feel like I am in over my head but admittedly this week I felt this way on a few days. Almost ready to write my "I am retiring my online store post" (half kidding)  I was beyond busy ordering, packing, sorting, invoicing, and playing bookkeeper. There is a lot of behind the scenes that goes into an online store that I don't think many think about (I know I didn't) so my hat and profound respect goes off to each and every one of you online store owners! It is a lot of work. But despite the was admittedly a lot of fun too, getting to see everything and making sure it passes muster! Of course I want one of everything that comes my way! I feel good now that I got many many orders out the door in the last few days, now I feel like I have regrouped and its time to settle down with a glass of wine. I have earned it:)  I do want to answer a few general questions as several have asked....

1. What happened to such and such an item, I saw an item and now its gone? Items are subject to availability and  are available in limited qualities. Once I have sold the last one, I try to be vigilant about removing the item. If not I will contact you and offer a suitable replacement or prompt refund.

2. Is my merchandise returnable? Yes within 7 days (minus the shipping costs) except canvas art and outdoor planters and garden urns as they are both made to order so they are final sale.

3. Do I ship internationally? Somehow several international sales were able to go through we never set it up. I honored them but am not at this going to offer international shipping other than to Canada. Perhaps in the future. Only exception is linens as they are lightweight. I will ship internationally for the linens.

4. Do I offer rush shipping? Not at this time. As I am doing this on my own, I am lucky enough to be just staying afloat:) Perhaps in the future, I can offer this but not at this time.

I get a lot of inquires about many different things and do my best to try to get back to everyone. If somehow your inquiry slipped through the cracks, dont' be bashful about getting back to me.....I am happy to help if i can!

One of the first items I sold out of were some blue and white bowls and covered boxes and I just got a few pieces in which I will list over the weekend for those wanting to know! I only have five or six so its first come first serve.....

I would like your opinions as I really value what you have to say. With the porcelains which have been extremely popular....I have concentrated mostly on the blues and whites, but I am thinking of bringing in a few colorful pieces as when I did add one or two they immediately sold so would like your take on the following.....

I think these plates are great to hang or display for a  kitchen......

And whats your thought on birds...I love them, I think they can be really great decorative objects.

Hot off the presses as of Sunday morning just listed these two gorgeous crest them!

Look forward to hearing what you think. And thank you again for your support, well wishes and encouragement. You are the best! Wishing everyone a great and relaxing weekend.....I know I plan on taking the next two days off to relax a bit. Thankfully our unusually mild weather is due to break tomorrow, I am sorry but 80 degrees in spring and bad hair days do not fly with me in the month of March so 60 tomorrow will be welcomed with open arms...... Enjoy!

Oh and one more thing, in case you didn't get a chance, and you have an extra minute...... 
Lisa, a new blogging friend who has a newer blog decided to feature me and my new store and did a brief interview. Hope you will stop over to take a peek. Its always great for a new blogger to get some love.....and I know she would be thrilled to hear from you. Click here to visit me at 16Lstreet blog to say hello! 

And just found out that lovely fashion savvy, Chrstine of the uber chic blog, Bijou and Boheme did a write up today on two online stores, one of which is my store! I am so incredibly honored, thanks Christine! Click here to visit her fabulous blog.

Thanks to you both, I am truly honored and thankful!



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