

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Its over and a great big thank you!

Good evening, the time has come to put this whole mess to rest. I wanted to update you to let you know that thanks to some incredible resourcefulness of a few very amazing individuals in blogland, I now know who is responsible for the scathing comment.

Now I could easily expose them and suffice to say it would be a scandal and revelation that would rock the blog world, but I am going to, as I was taught, take the high road and be a lady.
You know who you are. You are not welcome here. DO NOT COME BACK TO MY BLOG.
That goes to you and your wanna be cronies. If you do not stay away then I will feel compelled and not hesitate to "call you out"  faster than you can say Connecticut! And lets just say it won't  be good for business. Now shoo, and go get yourself some therapy. You need it!! END OF STORY!

I also want to give a HUGE thanks to all my readers and followers. YOU ARE AMAZING!!!. My mailbox overflowed, and I do not use the word lightly with emails galore, and then the comments I believed may have reached a record high, I heard from readers I didn't know I had! To say I was touched and deeply moved by your tremendous showing of support and love is an understatement. I know not all of you understood or agreed with my need to vent so publicly or waste an entire post on this "troll of a person" but  I thank you for standing by me and offering countless messages of unwavering support. You have totally empowered me to go on and to be  better and bigger than ever! Now lets get back to what we do best...talking and gabbing about beautiful interiors, great food, stylish living, and happy lives...shall we!
Have a lovely evening!!


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