

Monday, November 21, 2011

Behind the Desiree from Chic Coastal Living!!

Good morning, its Monday and you know what time it is....Behind the blogger! Time to meet another very talented and stylish blogging friend. Say hi to

Desiree of Chic Coastal Living

 I love Desiree, though she lives far away, all the way down in sunny Florida, we feel like we know each other, she is so friendly, warm and kind, the quintessential Florida girl. A teacher, an avid runner and blogger, Desiree is someone who likes to keep busy and stay active. Yes, that's her below, just add pretty to her long list of attributes...its hard to like someone who looks like she does AND eats nachos and salsa every single day but her personality and kindness trumps it all and I love her! Her blog is based upon chic coastal living, and always infuses some kind of coastal vibe with whatever she is posting about. Her positive energy just radiates off of everything she says and does and its infectious! She talks about everything from clothing and accessories to great houses and interiors to recipes. We have a love of Tory Burch, Mexican food, The Hampton's and three boys in common. If you are not already a fan of Chic Coastal Living, I urge you to pop on over and say hello. She is a real gem. Now lets get to know her a little better......

             Click here to visit Chic Coastal Living and thanks Desiree for participating!

So....... what inspired you to start blogging in the first place? I just happened to read a blog one day...I can't remember how I found it, but I read, Hooked on Houses and started to visit Julia's blog everyday. I did a little research on how to start one and I am!  The truth is, I've always dreamed of having my own website.  It's been something I've wanted to do for many years and I'm so grateful that starting one was so easy! If I would have known how easy it was to start, I would have been writing a long time ago!

How did you come up with your blog name?  I love the idea of coastal living and  really wanted to have those two words in my title.  Since starting a blog literally took me two minutes, I needed to come up with a name super fast! Yikes! I love the word chic and looked it up in the dictionary and it means, smart and stylish.  That's it!  Smart and stylish coastal living!  Chic Coastal Living!

Do you have a favorite all time movie? Oh my! There's so many chic flicks to choose from but I would have to say, Something's Gotta Give.  I watched that movie about 100 times when we bought our home 6 years ago.  I loved the design aspect and of course the location of the home.  That movie really inspires me in life and was a great starting off point for writing my blog (6 years later).  (You can only understand this if you have design in your blood).

You get to spend a month in the European it Italy or France?  Oh it will have to be Italy!  My husband is Italian and his family is from southern and northern Italy.  In our home, food brings us together and it would be a dream to travel all throughout Italy and eat to our hearts content!  We find so much excitement over dipping Italian bread in herbs and olive oil!

Favorite meal? Mexican all the way!  I can eat chips and salsa everyday! Not sure if this counts as food but I also love coffee. I just started drinking coffee when I turned 40 this year and I see what all the HYPE is really keeps me awake! I get so much done after a few sips of my favorite pumpkin latte!

Tell us as little or as much as you want to about your family. Well, do you have an hour to spare?  Just kidding!  I am so blessed to be married to a handsome, wonderfully smart guy that I met when we were teens, 18 and 19.  We've been married for a little over 18 years and have three boys ages 16, 13, 11.  My boys are, thank You Lord, smart as a whip, 'A' students and athletic.  They're involved in many school activities and sports.  This keeps me very busy!  We eat dinner together every night and enjoy going boating and snorkeling on weekends. We also have a beautiful extended family that we spend time with, as well!

If you could have any career what would it be?  Not sure if you know this, but I'm a 3rd grade teacher.  I stayed home for 12 years with my boys and have been teaching for the past 6 years.  While I love my job, I know I would have thrived in a career in design.  I've been designing since I was 6! My dream is to design beach bags! I guess, I could possibly have the best of both worlds one day!

Favorite design style? Coastal chic! Lately, I've been leaning towards the California modern coastal chic look if you can imagine what that means.  Clean lines and the feeling that you are on vacation.  That's what I love!

If you could only live in one color what would it be?
It would have to be white!  The 'perfect white' from Restoration Hardware!  It's what my walls in my home are painted right now.

Favorite season and why? I would have to say summer! 

Design icon? Jackie Kennedy ~ she's was so beautiful and always had such a remarkable poise about her.  It seems like she loved all of the design details in life that I do!

One place you haven't been that you want to visit-  Hawaii!  I was just looking up resorts this morning for next year summer trip! I would love to go to the new, Disney Aulani Resort in Oahu!

What's your number one pet peeve? Hording.  I don't like clutter.

What are the two best things about blogging?  I think the best thing about blogging for me is being able to share what I truly love about design in all aspects and meeting wonderful people on the other end, like you Tina!

You get to have a private dinner with any two people in the world, they can be from the fashion, design world, literary world, Hollywood, politics,etc....your choice. Who are the lucky two? I would love to have dinner with Michelle Obama.  I think she has great style and is a wonderful mother. The other person would have to be Martha Stewart! She's the one that got the ball rolling for many of us!

Do you have a favorite saying or quote? The Lord is with you.........I want people to know that they are not alone.  My faith is very strong and is the most important thing in my life.

Most overrated trend right now? At this time, nothing comes to mind but if you were to ask me a few weeks ago I would have said zig-zag lines...but this week or actually today, I love them!

Reading anything interesting that you want to share?  I am reading Little Bee right now for my book club. I heard that its a great book and I'm excited to see what happens!

You are 18 again. What do you do?  I would want to know what I know at 40! Haha!

What are your plans for the fall/winter?  Thanksgiving is only days away and I'm looking forward to having dinner with my family in the Keys. We always look forward to being together and enjoying each others company. I am also training to run a marathon with a few of my friends. This time of the year in Floirda is perfect for running. I would say my biggest goal right now is to not get hurt and finish the race that will take place in January!

In ten years I will be....................enjoying quality time with my family and in good health.

If you could live anywhere on earth and money was no object where would you go? Trust me. My husband and I talk about this once in awhile!  I would buy a spacious beach house in the Hamptons!  I always say if I won the lottery, I would be on a plane the next day buying a beach house!

Best tip or two for any new bloggers reading this.......Write about what you love , write everyday and  learn how to use programs to make great collages.

Blogging to me is inspiring and a huge blessing.

And now a little recap on some of what Deseiree loves.....

Desiree, besides being just a little intimidated that you are training for a marathon but still eat chips and salsa everyday, the fact that you love Somethings gotta give and watched it almost as many times as I have, means you have more than redeemed yourself in my!! Love what you said about if you were 18, oh yes...if we only had our wisdom then on what we know now, youth really is wasted on the young don't you think?  And I would love to sit down with you, Martha and that would make for an interesting dinner! How wonderful does this girl sound? Grounded, so into her family, smart,REAL, and has her priorities in check, that is how I would describe Desiree. Please visit her at her so beautiful blog, Chic Coastal Living and say hello. Thank you all for stopping by and Desiree thank you for being a part of my Behind the blogger series! Wishing everyone a beautiful day!


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