

Monday, November 14, 2011

Behind the Sherry from Design Indulgence

Good morning. It's Monday and time to meet another fabulously talented blogging friend in my "Behind the blogger series". Please say hello to lovely and uber talented

Sherry Hart of Design Indulgence

I love going to Sherry's blog for many reasons, one of which is she has a keen eye and a wonderful take on interior design, Sherry has been a successful interior designer for 20 years on top of being a fitness instructor ( I know so not fair that shes talented AND super fit) and its always so informative and interesting to get her take on things. I love how she engages her readers by including us in her design planning, showing us color schemes and inspiration boards she is considering. It is great fun to see a talented mind at work!

One fun tidbit of information, before Sherry started interior design some twenty years ago, she was a flight attendant for Eastern Airlines! A woman of many talents....also love when she posts on one of her frequent and generous giveaways, or takes us along for a tour of a newly discovered home furnishings or antiques store, there is always something fabulous to see over at Design Indulgence. If you don't know of Design Indulgence, you are in for a real treat. And for those of you who already count Sherry as a friend, here is a chance to get to know her a lot better. Her zest for life and humor shine through loud and clear.... Please do stop by and say hello. Sherry, it was a pleasure to feature you today, and I am loving you even more now that I feel like I know you a wee bit better.  And thank you all for stopping by. Sherry....take it away!!

       Thanks Sherry for participating and click on header to visit Design Indulgence. did you end up blogging? Almost like I do everything in life....just fooling around one day and thought..."I think I will start a blog"....I had absolutely no flipping idea what I was doing :)  Really I still don't.

 A few things I love about Fall....well duh...the weather!  Fall clothes....the new TV season...yes I love TV...sue me!  It just seems like after the hot summers that we have here in Atlanta...fall is a relief with it's cooler temperatures.  

 You get to spend a month at the perfect beach house, will it be Malibu or Nantucket? I think I am going to have to go with Malibu....Just the weather, and maybe "star sightings"...driving up and down the Calif coast.

Two weeks first class, is it Paris or London? Paris baby....bread, butter, and wine.  Let's face it Paris has better food.  Even a bad restaurant in Paris will have better food than I am used to!

  If I were 18 again.... I would sit myself down and say...lighten up girl, these are truly great years!  Your skinny, you have no wrinkles, you hair is thick, life is one big party!  Have fu

What would be on your plate for you dream dinner and dessert?  Dream dinner...OK if there were no such thing as calories, then I would have to say spaghetti...with meatballs.  I LOVE Italian!  Bread with butter.  Desert would be hot peach cobbler with vanilla ice cream on it.

Tell us as little or as much as you want to about your family.  I am the oldest of 4 [2 sisters and a baby brother, we are all 2 years apart]  Born in San Antonio, Texas.  I am married to a commercial airline pilot and I have 2 step children [35 & 37] who I adore.  I am the owner of 2 rescued Old English Sheepdogs.  And they are a handful! 

Worst habit? Best trait?  My worst habit would be that I am a big procrastinator...seriously sometimes I just can not get started on a project.  I would have to say my best trait is my humor.  I love to laugh and I can definitely make fun of  myself.

Favorite design trend?  Well...I am loving gallery walls.  I know they have been around forever, but it seems like there was a time when everything was hung in such order.  They can make a room so interesting and I love the fact that you can hang a poster next to an expensive oil.   Can I have 2????  I am also loving that a room does not have to be so matchy.......mixing fabrics and styles.

 One  golden rule for decorating that you would pass on. My golden rule...edit...edit...edit.  Take everything out of the room...really.  Start from scratch....In this order, furniture, rugs, lamps, pillows, and then pictures and accessories.  Make sure you have some plastic bins around cause I am sure you will not put it all back in!

 Designer Icon?...well I really like different designers for different reasons.  Modern/Mid century mix would have to be Angie Hranowsky.  Dreamy light colors, mostly traditional would have to be Mrs. Howard and Suzanne Kasler.  I am loving Amy D Morris's work  right now.  So clean.

You get to have lunch with any two people in the entire world. Could be from Hollywood, a famous author,  a playwright, a rock star,cooking guru, religious leader, anyone...who are the lucky two?  Well...gotta say Oprah and Jon Bon Jovi.  I know.... sounds shallow.  I could say Gandhi or some other outstanding person, but I think Oprah is funny and Jon is cute.  There you have it.

My perfect day would start with..... coffee first and foremost!  A workout...and then maybe a visit to the spa for a massage.  .After that I love to walk around flea market and junk shops.  It is mindless entertainment for me.  The a wonderful dinner someplace yummy!

If we could only live in one season year round, which would you choose and why?   I am thinking spring.  I like fall, but I am partial to spring blooms how green everything is.

Describe your favorite outfit. My fav outfit is jeans and white shirts.  No thinking.  For casual it is white t shirts, silver hoop earrings, black belt and black ballet flats.  I do change it to black stretch pants and boots in the winter :)

Tell me about a dream vacation for you and your family. A dream vacation....We have rented a 60 ft catamaran in the BVI  12 times so far.  A cook and a captain...with 3 other couples.  It is the MOST relaxing vacation ever.  No phones, no TV and no internet.  Eating under the stars every night.  No makeup....just bathing suit, shorts and flip flops!

Favorite book or movie that you could read or watch over and over?  One of my all time favorite movies is Splendor in the Grass.  I LOVED Natalie Wood so much.  I have seen it a million times.  Also for a  comedy  Ace Ventura Pet Detective was hilarious to me.  I can still laugh just as much when I watch it as the first time. 

3 qualities that I think fairly describe me are......Yikes....3 qualities that describe me.....I assume we are talking good qualities!  I have great empathy for people, humility, hard worker.

Comedy or dramas? Comedy all the way!!!!!  Nothing is better than laughter.

A book that I have read in the last few years that I really really loved. I read a book a couple of years ago called The Middle Place by Kelly Corrigan.  I LOVED it and hope she will write another one.  I have also read For Whom The Bell Tolls a couple times...I keep picking more than one thing don't I?????

In my next life I will......My next life I could be a writer.  You can make your own hours....not a lot of stuff to haul around, you can do it anywhere!

One thing I absolutely cannot live without is.....I can not live without my humor.  It keeps me from being too serious and I love when I can make people laugh.  But...can't live without my husband either :)

If I have learned one thing in life it is......The best thing to learn is patience.  Don't be in a hurry....everything happens in time......Oh yeah...take care of you teeth...seriously!

             And now a recap of a few of the things Sherry loves..........

See what I mean? Doesn't she sound amazing! I love what she said about why she would want to go to Paris (yes its all about those sinfully good delights) her dream vacations sounds like just that, a total dream! And of course her thoughts on laughter, what she would want to do in her next life and whats shes learned along the way....Amen to that Sherry!! Click here to visit Design Indulgence and be sure to poke around, yes, you will get caught up in the beauty and magic of her blog, but it will be oh so worth every minute spent there! And thank you all for stopping by! Wishing you a wonderful day.


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