

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Things I am loving Thursdays.........

Happy Thursday!! Knee deep in house projects, as they have finally started the bathrooms.....yippee!! The sheetrock is nearly complete so its soon time to start the flooring and trim work/doors. I have waited a long long time to get to this stage and will be sure to have a little photo sesh in the next day or two and post some pictures of current progress. With spring here (hoping its coming, never can be sure given that we had snow overnight, and yes, you heard me right) we are hoping to really forge ahead with no more weather delays! As you know every Thursday I devote this post to  talking about what I am loving or what I have discovered or what I am admiring this week. Always something fun to share......let me know what you think and of course if you have something you would like to share!

BLUE AND WHITE SERVING PIECES. Love blue and white, that's certainly no secret. But was thrilled when I found these gorgeous blue and white ikat dishes at Target!! How beautiful will these be for outdoor entertaining? And if one breaks, I dont' have to throw a fit.....its inexpensively replaceable. Though I have noticed Target changes their merchandise so often, so I typically buy an extra set of 4 for "backup" aka breakages. I think these are just fabulous looking! (You won't believe how reasonable these were....a lot of look for a little money) Love a bargain!

TULIPIERES. Whats not to love, they add drama, a flowery element, height and a historical elegance to any room. I have an old one that I bought at a sale many years ago in white with touches of crackled blue that looks incredible with yellow or pink tulips. What better way to announce springs arrival than with a tulipiere overflowing with Springs "poster child" flower, the gorgeous tulip!

DOG PAINTINGS. I don't know why but I have always had an affinity for beautiful oil paintings of dogs. There is something so old world, and elegant about them, the timeless traditional pictures that they are. William Secord  Gallery in New York has the most fabulous gallery brimming with nothing but dog and animal paintings, that is their specialty. It is the only gallery of its kind..isnt' that neat! If you want to see more click here.

PAMPERING YOUR PETS. On the subject of dogs,  I have a golden retriever that is the biggest, sweetest mush around. So every now and then, I enjoy getting him something that I know as a person, I would enjoy being given. A beautiful new bed, such as the blue toile one shown below was ordered for Teddy.....and then I got around to looking at all the other goodies at The uncommon dog's website and was totally entertained by what else they were offering....such adorable, fun things! Most are way too small or not suitable for such a big dog, but these things were too cute to not share. How adorable are these dog houses and those strollers.....what a riot! You can visit them here.

BELL JAR LANTERNS AND OTHER LANTERNS FOR KITCHEN ISLAND. Love the elegant old world look of old fashioned bell jar lanterns. I actually love lanterns in general and would put them in every room if I could. In thinking about lighting for my island kitchen, I definitely want something old world and beautiful...probably not going for a chandelier, so looking at bell jars and other lanterns..whats your opinion?

AMAZING MARBLE TILES. You by now, know and sympathize with my obsession with them. Can't help it....they are just so beautiful. I am in utter amazement that they can do this with stone!! Here are a bunch of incredible creations by New Ravenna and Ann Sacks, are these not like works of art?  So here are a few goodies worth sharing with you.....which is your favorite?

ANYTHING FROM TOSS DESIGNS. Ever since I discovered this fun, exciting and vibrant chic line of totes, travel bags,tunics and other small accessories I have been hooked! I make sure to start a new season with an updated something or other from Toss designs. Love their fresh prints! Be sure to stay tuned because I am going to be offering a giveaway very soon from this fabulous California based company. Below is a sampling of what they offer...check them out by going here.

WALLPAPER. Whats a post without it! But this week I am happy to report I have made some concrete decisions, granted it's only for two small spaces, two powder rooms but I love the looks and how they both work with the marble flooring. The first one is  moving for the small library powder room, I chose a Thibaut chinoiserie which has lots of darker, rich colors, and am having a custom floor done in golds and deep Burgundy's. Enclosed a small swatch of the stone colors.
The second one is for a powder room off the kitchen, I wanted something elegant, timeless and not stuffy. The soft yellow and white paper is beautiful, traditional and happy while the soft gray in the paper gives it a very "current" feel, the white and pale gray honed basket weave marble look great with it! Would love to know what you think.

COOL SERVING PIECES. I love entertaining though I must admit I am really rusty since we are not in our home yet. Really rusty. But in our old house, we entertained fairly often and outdoor entertaining is one of my favorite ways to have people over, its typically more casual, easier and certainly nothing beats eating outside on a perfect summer day. I love this dispenser that I just ordered...instead of holding 1 drink, its holds 3 different ones..isn't that neat! 

OK, so those are my goodies for today. Some I am already enjoying, others on my wish list. Always good and fun to dream, wish and desire! Would love to know if there is something you are loving this tell and hope you have a splendid Thursday!



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