

Saturday, March 19, 2011

The colors of England in Spring

How is Spring where you are? I am told that Chicago is going to be 70 this weekend! All the great sweaters (the British call them 'jumpers'....why?!) I bought on sale may have to wait.

Gatherings from a walk or small bloomers from your own garden make for charming arrangements.  Bottles, big tin, fabric scrap, napkins, could all be lovely table setting for an informal gathering.
The smaller the container the better for the dainty flowers of spring. I do not have an image, as it was long long ago when i had a ladies lunch. At each place setting was an egg; top broken off and flowers as above with each egg bearing the guests name. The real trick was in getting them to stand up; good old plumbers putty, will not harm the table and a small piece holds it upright.

Talk about charming........even the woodland mushrooms are whimiscal

To achieve a natural look, dedicate a portion of your lawn and choose very early blooming species. Come fall, casually toss small handfuls of bulbs, plant where they lie. By the time you need to do the first mowing, the bulbs will be finished ready to sleep until next year.   

Snowdrops. If you can find these bulbs, plant now for next spring.

Fritillaries'   A magical bulb for light woodland settings. See the checkerboard pattern?

I need to become vegetarian

A walk through the residential area and what do i find?  Yes.....more doors! All in brilliant colors. Could you ever be so brave? Personally loving it, well most, and if you have shutters bring the color thru-out the facade.

I instantly thought of the lovely Elizabeth at the  Pretty Pink Tulips blog.

Named;  Fairly Lynch....??

LOVE this color!

You know who i am thinking about.....I hear he is very nearby

Intense golden yellow lichen enlivens gray stone
Mosses and lichens have two requirements to thrive; a moist climate and good, clean air.  

Hedgehogs, the quintessential spring animal of England

NOTE:   I was excited to leave the distractions of home and work behind. One bit I was certain of was the ability to write more blog posts and visiting others. Best laid plans went awry; forgetting that a rural environment has sporadic internet capabilities.......oh well.....

Have a happy week!
Tonight I am treating my hosts to dinner and a concert in the 13th century Abbey; Bach chamber music on medieval instruments. Can't wait!



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