

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

a march birthdays party

We have three grandkids' birthdays within a couple weeks in March every year, so this Sunday we had a big family dinner and birthday celebration for all of them.  A couple of the little girls were my helpers in decorating and they did such a sweet little job.  The kids loved all the balloons and decorations.  It is so easy to make it feel like a big, special party by simply getting a bunch of balloons!  

As usual, the kids ran around and played in the yard and enjoyed the beautiful weather...

They also made marshmallow sculptures and had a good time with some funny face stickers I bought...

We grilled hot dogs and hamburgers and made ice cream sundaes for dessert.
The kids opened presents, played and never wanted to go home ("I'm not tired.")
And, as expected, our sweet little Ruby was absolutely thrilled with her princess dress-ups!

So good to be surrounded by family!  It always puts a smile on my face!
(And Happy-Actual-Birthday to Luke Burch today!)


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