

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

women who inspire: patty taylor

Today we are so very excited to introduce you to mom, designer and community volunteer, Patty Taylor and give you a little peek into her amazing craft room. Be prepared to get just a little jealous...

Tell us a bit about yourself.

I grew up 1 of 6 kids in Ft. Wayne , IN.
I married my High School Sweetheart and we moved to AZ 19 years ago. We are blessed to have 4 active children. I was a teacher by trade until our first child was born. While on leave from teaching(enjoying my growing family) I started to help friends get organized and transition their homes to accommodate growing families as well as get homes ready to sell on the market. I started my design business, “Home Is Where Your Story Begins” about 4 years ago. My big design break happened when a friend asked me to help design her(and her partners) women’s clothing boutique, Mombomb.

Tell us about what you do?
I am a proud Mom/Bus driver of 4
Teacher by Trade.........I teach a
Decision Making Program and help with the Magis Program at SFX
Community Volunteer....My favorite Non Profit is Ryan House .........

What do you love the most about this room in your house?
During the week I am a food assembler (and luckily married a good cook!) getting all the kids (coming and going from sports and activities) fed at different times. So the kitchen is not the heart of our home the office/craft room is where my heart sings and creativity flows! I use the room for Design Appointments and Community Projects through the day and it is the homework hub with kids at night.

Where do you find your inspiration?
coffee table books, magazines, blogs
movies, great books
live music
sharpened pencils, beautiful paper/journals
a good night sleep

Who inspires you?
My Husband: #1 supporter and amazing partner/father
My Children: their energy, zest for life....I want the world to better place for them!
My Mom: patience,
unconditional love
My Dad: strong voice, Irish spirit
My Sister Marilyn: Her husband died when her twins were in
Kindergarten. She managed the difficult times with God’s grace and a grateful heart. Seeing her go through this provided perspective for me to take nothing for granted and to live each day to the fullest with no regrets.
People who “pay it forward” with generosity of spirit and compassion.
Talented: parents, teachers, principals, coaches........folks who positively influence the lives of kids!

Did you take any classes, etc. for your craft/business?
I had planned to take “formal” design classes when my youngest child went to kindergarten(time flies, he’s now in 3rd grade) but have been too busy working on design projects, volunteering and being a Mom to begin. I have a passion for design and operate on instinct. My goal is to bring out the spirit of each client so that their space reflects their personal story in an organized, aesthetically pleasing way.

What can you not go a single day without?
coffee, music, candles, reading, a hug/kiss from my husband/kids

Where is your favorite place in the world?
Home....with family and friends enjoying a lovely dinner party
I love
Santa Barbara, San Francisco and Chicago as well

Why do you love Phoenix?
Sunshine, winter season, smell of orange blossoms, North Central Community, Small town in a big city feel

Where do you like to shop?
Willows-goes without saying! Anthropologie
Borders/Book Star
Blue Seeds
Melrose Vintage
Olive in Paris/Paris Envy
Rust and Roses
Market Place

What advice would you give to other women?
Live in the moment.
Don’t put your dreams on hold while raising your children.
Enjoy your marriage so your children will know what a great partnership looks like.
Have date nights on a regular basis(see above)
keep a gratitude journal as a woman/family.
surround yourself with great people to encourage, challenge and inspire.
have a YES list so you can focus on what you is important to you and say no to other things.
Volunteer-share your gifts to better the community.
Support your child’s teachers/schools
Take a yearly
family picture
Live what you love!!!

Do you have a favorite quote to share?
I have many favorites! I will post the one that I have painted on my stairs:
Live with intention.
walk to the edge.
listen hard.
practice wellness.
play with abandon.
choose with no regret.
continue to learn.
appreciate your friends.
do what you love.
live as if this is all there is.
-mary anne radmacher

Thank you so much, Patty! We loved being able to drool over your craft room!

And as if her creativity and goodness aren't enough, she is probably one of the nicest people you will ever meet. She really is just lovely.
And, seriously, how much would you love a craft room like that?


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