

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

my love of linens

I know I have mentioned before my complete obsession with linens, but my love affair continues. And my trip to New York only made things worse. Store after store filled with amazing linens and then there was the one. The one that stood out above the rest (the one that also could break the bank). Society makes some of the dreamiest linens I have ever seen. They reminded me so much of our no. 1, Matteo (Matteo is still the dreamiest, let's be honest). I think what I was most taken with about this line was their photography project with German photographer Cora Buttenbender. She literally put my love of linens into photographic form. Words are not really needed. Just look at these photos and you feel the soft loveliness of the linens and how they create beauty in the everyday.

The inside reads: "Can you mail an emotion?" They sent the photographer this box (shown above) with a simple note that read, "You decide." And these are the images she captured...

What do you think I would have to do to get someone to send me a box filled with nothing but amazing linens to live in, photograph and enjoy? Perhaps if I were a world famous photographer... hmmm, I will have to figure something else out...

So, while we won't be carrying Society any time soon (few of us could afford a hand towel from this Milan based company), it reminded me of how much beautiful linens give that lovely, clean, amazing feel to any home.

And, so as this holiday season approaches, if you are having company come to stay or have that difficult-to-buy-for person in your life, come on in to the Willows and let us help you begin a love affair with amazing linens. We have so many to share from that perfect table cloth from Libeco or bedding from Matteo and Bella Notte for your guests, to towels and Bella robes to show someone how much you care.
The simplicity and beauty of linens cannot be beat.


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