

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

women who inspire: jackie hutt

Tell us a bit about yourself.
I was born in Detroit and moved to Phoenix in 8th grade. All 5 kids and a dog drove out west and my dad commuted for the next two years on many a red eye flight. I played tennis at Xavier, where we were the state champs and went on to play all 4 years at the University of Arizona. I moved to San Francisco and married my first husband where we enjoyed the fun city life as a young married couple. Several years later, my husband was diagnosed with Hodgkins. We moved back to Phoenix to be close to family and had our son Jack in 1995. My husband passed away just three years later in 1998. It was the most devastating moment in my life while simultaneously being the greatest gift. It allowed me to look at life differently. You learn to really cherish life and appreciate how fragile it is. Losing my husband made me really love life, love kids, love people. I truly found peace within myself. I remarried and have a beautiful daughter with my second husband and just recently founded Game Plan Scholarships with my BFF, Allyson. It is a company to help high school kids take the right steps toward getting athletic scholarships for college. Kids don't realize that it really is a full-time job and a lot of pressure. We act as the go-between and mentor to these kids and guide them, so that they are aware of all the possibilities before them. I love working with people and that is what makes me so passionate about Game Plan.

Where do you find your inspiration?
I read a lot, I am inspired by people who follow their dreams and those who have overcome challenges in their lives.

Who inspires you?
my mom, she is truly an inspiration to everyone who meets her. she is a mother of five, grandmother of 12. One really amazing thing about my mom is that she became a certified bikram yoga instructor at the age of 69!.

How did you get your start?
I started playing tennis at the age of 10 and then continued on through high school and college. Playing competitive tennis gave me the foundation to start GamePlan. Having “been there done that” I understand what it takes to compete in college sports having managed both athletics and academics. This experience helps me mentor high school athletes in their pursuit of college scholarships.

Did you take any classes, etc. for your business?
Do thousands of tennis lessons count? A lot of what I learned about life/business I learned on the tennis court. Playing competitive sports taught me a lot of things like how to win, how to lose, how to be a team player, goal setting, hard work and dedication. Most importantly, I learned that if something is easy everyone would be doing it.

What can you not go a single day without?
Waking up to my husband, kids and dogs and listening to Dennis Prager on the radio.

What is your tip for success?
Do something you love and give it 110%. Oh yea, and surround yourself with people who are smarter than you.

Where is your favorite place in the world? Your dream place?
Napa Valley would be at the top of my list. My dream place would be Italy (even though I have never been).

Why do you love Phoenix?
The summers, just kidding. I love the fact that Phoenix is the 5th largest city in the country but yet it still maintains a sense of community.

What is your favorite thing about Phoenix?
Being close to family and so many of my friends from high school.

What do you wear to work?
Work is a laptop at my kitchen table, so you probably don't want to know...

Where do you like to shop?
I am not a big shopper. I let my sister do all the shopping and then I head to her house to borrow what is cute, new and in style. Whenever people ask me where I got that outfit I tell them “My sister’s closet…..literally!

Do you have a favorite quote to share?
“A woman is like a tea bag, you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water”- Eleanor Roosevelt

What advice would you give to other women?
It takes a village…..

Thank you so much, Jackie for sharing with us! We absolutely love your outlook on life! You exude true happiness and it is always lovely to be around you.
Check out Jackie's website to learn more about Game Plan... its pretty amazing.


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