

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Late weekday musings.......

Hi and happy Wednesday. Busy week and just when I thought this post might be short and sweet, it grew, and grew and I added on so its actually pretty chock full after all! Boy these weeks are going by so fast, I saw the first hint of Christmas advertising this morning and nearly fell off my chair. Its lurking and not as far as we might think........I get heart palpitations just thinking of it. Amazing how when you are in your 20's everything is just taken in stride, you are so "go with the flow" but bam! fast forward to your 40's and suddenly everything seems like a big deal, you get anxious over the smallest details,etc.....PLEASE tell me I am not alone on this!

This week not a whole heck of a lot going on. I got in another round of hardware and think I may have finally found what I am looking for.  I am actually mixing manufacturers (not unheard of) and I am really loving how the samples look.....check it out. What do you think? Think we have a winner!!

One look I like for masculine rooms and spaces is a clean roman shade in a solid color with a decorative tape. Its timeless, classic and not too fussy. So for my husbands very patient bathroom, I think I finally found a good solid and a great tape. Though I liked the previous choices, they were not totally sitting right with me, but this one feels perfect. The colors are soft and work beautifully with the tile. Ditto the same look I am doing in my sons bedroom, I dont' want to use wood blinds, I want something softer and a little warmer looking...have a look!
For my sons the navy pop this will give a simple treatment

A few of the finalists for fabric and two tapes, the one on bottom I think is the winner

Its a great match and not overpowering to the beauty of the floor

 And finally started looking again for my window treatment for window seat. The other one I chose was very pretty but a little dark, I want something a little softer  as this entire space is fully wood paneled and can border on being a darker area of the house so want it light and fresh feeling. Thinking this simple dot that has the navy and adding one of the pretty gold/navy trims....thoughts?

Are you a boot person? I LOVE boots and wear them pretty much all winter long, I was so happy to see so many great looking boots coming out this season. I can justify spending more money on them because I wear them so much and afterall it's  a very long season. Here's a few faves.....
(all found at Neiman Marcus)

And I am really lusting after this 10 PLY you heard right...10! cashmere sweater coat. SO great looking and I love gray, it goes with everything (found at Gorsuch, one of my favorite online shops to drool over)

This is so "me"...anyone who knows me will agree!

I will take the boots too, though a bit high for me...but I guess I could swing it on occasion.

You know I love when you send me your pictures...I get so excited! So was thrilled to get these pictures from my buddy, Elizabeth (she, Melinda and I have a planned fall meet up in Virginia horse country) and I cannot wait!! They have even promised to throw me a brunch like this one with little 'ol me as the guest of honor. Theres no way I am letting them back down now!! Feast your eyes on this gorgeous fete.......(featuring my silver chargers that she bought from me)

The chargers look perfect with her stunning Herend gracing them!

Speaking of beautiful tables....admittedly I started thinking of Thanksgiving, my favorite dinner where I eat with abandon, oops my favorite holiday of all! I think this year I am treating myself to Spodes woodland pattern for fall dining. It is so classic and I have always admired it. Think it would look pretty nifty on the chargers, don't you think!

Dough bowls..everyone seems to love them! I get frequent requests for small round ones and wish I had one for every time someone has wanted one!! I got in a batch of 3 small ones (about 11" round) and have one left, if interested email me. Click here to email.

The napkin rings that everyone loved from my find at Brimfield are going to be officially up for sale in my shop tomorrow. If you missed my Brimfield post, its worth a look, click here. There are a wide variety of styles/designs and there is a customizable service available too. To start I am going to offer one of 6 styles. The equestrian, the various animals on a bike, and a few others. Below are two of the ones that really caught my eye. These take approx. 3 weeks as they are made to order. Right now I have 4 in stock of the first style (4 different animals, very whimsical) and 2 of the equestrian (with 8 on order). If you are interested, must shoot me an email otherwise look for them tomorrow or Thursday!
The set includes one dog, one bear, one rabbit and one squirrel

The equestrian style-

Also very happy to report that my lamps category is finally being added. It will possibly be up by the time you are  seeing this or at the latest by late in the day today.  I apologize for the delay. I know many of you have inquired but its here at last and all items for sale are in stock! I think its a pretty fabulous selection of harder to find than ever blue and white porcelain lamps. In addition I am going to carry other colors so feel free as always to let me know if you are looking for something in particular that you do not see (size or color). Click here to take a peek, and here's a few to give you an idea......

And of course the super popular mini Staffordshire dog lamps, now in two colors.....

Also got in this very large magnficent planter/footbath from my porcelain vendor. I actually want to use a pair eventually in the dining room but for now put it on my coffee table. Its quite large about 22" long and 12" tall with beautiful ormolu handles......take a look! I could see it without anything as the beautiful design is carried out on the inside of the planter or with beautiful flowers planted (orchids would be stunning)!
UPDATE- per many requests this planter/footbath is now on my online store. Click here to see it in my online store. I also have it in another style, a departure from my blue and white but it was too pretty to pass up.......

And the other style.....also stunning!

Also loving my new monogram items, ordered these "T" soaps and let me tell you, besides being totally beautiful, they lather  up and smell heavenly. REALLY good quality soap, even my 16 year old remarked on them, and he doesnt' normally say anything about "things like that".

Kept next to my kitchen sink!

So that about wraps up all my odds and ends this week, a little all over the map but thats what makes these posts fun to write up. Hope you are having a good and productive week. The weather has been splendid here with a capital S! Just over the top amazing. Thanks for stopping in......



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