

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A perfect summer day with Tina of The Enchanted Home

Hi there! To all those who have lost a loved one today, 9/11, I send you my heartfelt prayers and best wishes. Today is a bittersweet day because its also my sons birthday. He is a remarkable young man and one who I am sooo proud of and who has made our lives so full! So we choose to make it a happy and celebratory day and I urge everyone to make mark this day  as one to be thankful for life itself, a a day to reflect on our blessings and for the precious gifs of freedom and life.

I was going through my draft box and realized I never posted this! (after a few readers/fellow bloggers said they would like to see my thoughts on a perfect summer day).  I am ending my "perfect summer day series" with my own take on what a perfect summer day is. I am about to start a new fall series, but lets have just one more fun dreamy summer day, shall we? Its always bittersweet to say goodbye to the season of sun, lobster rolls and long beach days sleeveless shirt dilemmas. But I must admit I do love fall more than any other its all good as they say. I will spare you my normal mushy intros because that would be just well...weird. So here I am.......

My perfect summer day would start at this time of the morning (or afternoon)…6:30am a perfect compromise from my usual 5:30 wake up time to the time that I consider "sleeping in time" of 9.
The bedroom I wake up in would look something like this… Very soft colors, monochromatic, high ceilings, a huge window overlooking the sea, the softest, cool to the touch most luxurious cotton linens and soft billowy drapes that move freely with the ocean air.....
And my bathroom like this...…. white marble, clean, crisp and with a big window to overlook the sea.Humm..this one looks familiar!
A favorite beauty product I love to use during the my bronzers, really liking a Mac powder one  this year especially since I smartened up and keep my face far away and protected from the sun, with a big hat, lots of SPF and my big glasses. (a little goes a long way)

And this is an ideal summer outfit that you might find me frolicking in...….either capris in a fresh summer color, a soft cotton  top and a fun necklace or a chic sundress from Calypso and a pair of Jack Rogers

My view from my bedroom in the summer looks like this……all you see is the endless expanse of the ocean for miles and miles....
(My own picture taken in  Montauk last week)

And of course this perfect summer day is located in......….. Any beachside locale will do, but lets say Southampton for arguments sake:)
For breakfast I would indulge in...…..French press coffee, a tall glass of freshly squeezed orange juice or grapefruit juice, two slices of fresh sourdough bread, an omelet with asparagus, tomato and Swiss, home fries and a big bowl of fresh juicy fruit (all served on a bed tray in bed of course)! 

After I am showered, fed and revved up to start my day, I will…take Teddy for a long walk on the beach, come back for my second cup of coffee, sit on the deck and read awhile undisturbed!

For lunch this is my absolute favorite summertime meal...…a lobster roll, maybe a small cup of seafood bisque and a tall glass of iced tea

An afternoon snack might comprise of...….hum there are so many I love,warm tomato brushetta with fresh basil with sea salt on a thin baguette or one of my all time faves.... a side of guacamole with still warm tortilla chip. Yes I do love my snacks!

My afternoon activity would be......a little retail therapy, meeting up with a friend for coffee and maybe a sunset bike ride

The ideal summer drink is...….so  many that I love equally..... from a chilled Rose, to peach sangria and for something with no alcohol... a tall glass of grapefruit Perrier (have you tried it... so good)!

This is what would be served for my ideal summer dinner……Has to be seafood, so since I had lobster for lunch going with crabmeat stuffed shrimp, a vegetable and a potato or orzo. Do I get dessert too? If so key lime pie please!
And where I eat it might look like this...….right on my terrace guessed it, the sea!

A perfect summer ending to a perfect summer day would end......slipping into my favorite pjs, with a book I have been dying to read waiting patiently on my nightstand, with a cool ocean breeze blowing through the window and total silence in my house. Now that is heaven!

The best part of my summer day is......….knowing I get to do it all over again the next day.

Sound good? I wish I could say my summer days were even close to this, but fat chance. If I was lucky enough to have a day like this I would never ever want summer to end! But its time to usher in a new season, fall with its glorious parade of rich color, a fresh  nip in the air and one laced with excitement over the coming holidays. Excited? I have to admit I am a little, less the anxiety I inevitably feel over Christmas and the shopping lists! One day at a time, though, thats what I keep telling myself!  Thanks for stopping in and wishing you a wonderful day.


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