

Monday, December 12, 2011

In a Golden Light

Hello everyone.
      It was another beautiful sunny day here so I grabbed my camera(Canon Rebel) and took some pictures in the lovely golden light in our bedroom. 
I am going to let you quietly tip toe through the room!

We put two old doors from the Restore in behind the bed until we find another use for them.

If I confused you with this corner it is because while taking the pics I realized that it might look better to put the chaise in the other corner and the chair here as it didn't block the fireplace.

Tea anyone?

Help yourself to some of the cookies left over from the house tour on Sat. -compliments of my daughter Jennifer.

I did say I would give you the Christmas House Tour but it might take me until Christmas to do it-as it is one room at a time so you get the whole picture!

Thank you for all the lovely comments you have left for me- I love to hear from you and I am sorry that I haven't had time to get back to you all. I will try to do better this week. Welcome also to my new followers.




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