

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

By Invitation Only....Some enchanted evening!

Good are in for a treat all over blogland today!! As many of you know, once a month a group of bloggers get together for the monthly "By Invitation only"  and put together our own interpretation for an agreed upon theme. This months theme is "Some Enchanted Evening". And the idea is that we are all invited to a spectacular Christmas party, which everyone will attend in all their finery, bearing a hostess gift. For this post, we are to each come up with our outfit including jewels, accessories,etc no limits....along with  the hostess gift they will come bearing.

I was honored that Marsha chose my home as the location for this fabulous party!!  This means that little old me is the hostess!  According to Marsha, I am going all out, with butler service, white glove dinner service, I mean all out.....we are talking put your game face on ladies and gents, get those painful shoes  that make you curse everytime you wear them out of hiding, slip on that ballgown you have been dreaming of wearing and of course good ol spanx, and pull out all the stops with hair, makeup and jewels...this is that kind of party!! Now, naturally being the hostess, I feel obliged to talk just a little about how I will greet my guests. For starters, when they arrive, they will be greeted by a very handsome dashing tall gentleman bearing a silver tray of exquisite champagne stems filled to the brim with pink bubbly topped with a wedge of fruit. I have planned this evening to be an elegant soiree and want to set the tone the moment my guests step foot inside the door..... greet my guests I am going to, in the spirit of this ever so jolly red and green holiday  be donning a fabulous frock by Oscar yes that Oscar (as in De La Renta). Here is my stunning silk emerald green gown, love the draping and one gold accessories seem perfect for this, shoes by Vionnet and lovely gold jeweled clutch by Anya Hindmarch. Then to finish off all this fabulouslness, I opt for just one sensational pair of va va voom, major show stopper, stop dead in your tracks honey lets get a second mortgage kind of earrings. Check out these beauties by Bvlgari. Yummy!

As I greet my guests...we all sip our delicious champagne, nibble on delectable canapes being passed and the ladies enjoy oohing and ahhing over each others magnificence. Everyone has stepped  out in their absolute best this evening and it is a sight to behold!

The soft luminescent glow of the candlelight casts a magical light over everyones faces and it is spellbinding how beautiful everyone looks.....everyone is positively glowing!

Dinner is served, and lively chatter rises above the soft playing music in the background. The atmosphere is positively electric and the evening, is like  a page from a storybook. Since it is my party, I have decided to change into an all white ensemble, to go with my all white dessert table theme.

Please indulge me here and also understand that after nearly four years of LIVING in yoga pants, paint stained sneakers, and a perpetually dusty down jacket (now with with a small tear from a nail)  I am desperate to feel pretty and glamorous again! So roll with me as I change into my second outfit pleeeeeaasssee!!!

So I change into my ethereal Elie Saab gown, and feel like an angel as I cascade back into the room, with a beautiful pair of Harry Winston diamonds gracing my ears and a fabulous cuff on my wrist. Just enough twinkle to not take away from my beautiful gown.  And finally my beautiful trusty crystal embellished Jimmy Choos to polish off the ensemble!  I truly feel like a princess!

Cheers to my magical all white dessert themed table.............and let me show you what the sit down dessert table looks like, what do you think of the mixed assorted chandeliers hanging?  That's right, you read right...SIT DOWN. I take my desserts VERY seriously:)  And the faux furs draped over each chair? 

Where delectable almost too pretty to eat mini cakes that look like perfect little snowflakes are enjoyed alongside countless other desserts!

I have to, at this point in the evening confess a little "secret" I keep hidden in my clutch, my secret weapon if you will..... Isotoners! (I slip them on under the table and breath a sigh of relief) No one needs to know but the smile on my face is a mile wide!! (hey don't knock them, at least they have some bling bling)

The evening was magical and like a perfect flawless symphony it did not miss a beat. I didn't want it to end but like all good must. As my guests started to depart, I quickly ran to gather the parting gifts I had bought ahead of time..........a special keepsake of this wondeful evening, in a little blue box. Don't forget to take yours!

So hope you enjoyed our little soiree and look at that, its snowing outside.......wishing you the most enchanted of holidays!

Wait a darn that who I think it is?

Enjoy your day! And dont' forget to visit the other bloggers who are participating in this wonderful series to see what they are wearing!  A special thank you to Marsha of Splenderosa, my fellow dreamer and friend for coming up with this wonderful idea!!

Also I am participating in Monica's "2 cents on gift giving" over at Splendid Willow, please check it out if you have a minute! Click here to visit if you didnt' yesterday.



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