

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The most beautiful fairytale in the world Part 1, By intivation only!

Before I begin, I have a confession to make. I had a really really rough day yesterday, you know those kinds of days where EVERYTHING goes wrong? Well yours truly had one from the minute I woke up until the late hours of the night. Suffice to say it was baaaad, but I will spare you the details. Then I visited blogland in between this really bad day and things temporarily were a little better. But then I started seeing so many of my blogging friends talking about their little munchkins getting all dressed up in anticipation of all the fun Halloween festivities of the afternoon and evening and it got me feeling really melancholy. Especially when my "baby" wanted to dress up as a rapper and only cared about video chatting with his friends in between  completing a Chinese and Science project, and only coming 'up for air" to have dinner for all of 15 minutes. That was my Halloween and on top of that we live in a neighborhood where no kids come to the door, Teddy was the only one who shared in the spirit of the holiday sporting his Halloween bandanna.
Too bad he couldn't eat the unopened bag of chocolate bars I bought in hope and anticipation that ONE person would come to my door. I even opened the door a few times, desperately searching for someone....I would have taken a UPS driver doing a late run:)  Not a soul.  The closest I got to a trick or treater was my son grunting asking from upstairs to throw him a crunch bar. So at that point, I decided to let the pathetic nostalgia take me over completely (what the heck I was a wreck at this point anyway) and I started going through pictures...of when my kiddos were little. (Yes I wept like a pathetic baby looking at them) but got the "not having a little one to dress up anymore' out of my system and today feeling a lot better. Thanks for letting me vent:)

Now onto the fun stuff.........

As many of you  know I am part of a group of bloggers who participates in the 
"By invitation only" posts once a month. This months post is about dreams, things you wanted to do or have plans to do.....I am all about dreaming, read more to find out just where my dreams take me.......

OK, whatever you are doing right now, STOP! You need to fully concentrate here to"get in the zone". I am going to take you on the most amazing and beautiful fairytale ever, and all you need to do is mentally fill in the blanks, so open up your imagination and  get ready for a minute or two of fantasy and a make believe get away. Ready, set here we go, just roll with me here...........

You have been invited by ____________(insert a friends name that you ADORE) to visit her at her brand new country home that she just bought. As part of the celebration this invitation also coincides with her ____th birthday (you insert the number for what might be appropriate for your friends age, you can make her younger:-)  As it turns out, she has decided to throw a party as well as host a few of her best girlfriends for the weekend. You see, in addition to the major main house there are two separate guest "cottages" where you will be staying. You aren't sure what to expect but are more than willing to travel to_______________(destination is your choice) because you know that _____________(your friends name) has exquisite taste beyond description  and you just know you are in for the experience of a lifetime. So before you can say "book my flight" she announces she has already arranged for a private jet to fly you over! And so the fairytale begins...enjoy!!

The private plane awaits you........

Where there are stacks of luxurious blankets, movies and books and champagne!

After a glass of champagne, you are served a delectable meal on fine china of course....

And then a smorgasbord of some of your favorite desserts! Do I have to..OK if you insist!

After a peaceful slumber snuggled in your cashmere Hermes blanket, you awaken to find you are arriving, leave it up to ____________________(friends name), there is a Bentley with your own chauffeur awaiting you. Now THIS is living you say to yourself.....

Before you know it you are soon approaching the splendid property, a postcard perfect,sweeping driveway beckons looks so surreal, it resembles a painting.....

Your breath is taken away as you take in the beauty of _______________"s home!

_________________(friends name) comes out to greet you, looking uber chic and as you excitedly embrace she says she wants to show you the guest quarters, but before she does, she asks you and the others to sit down for a "casual lunch" and tea, knowing everyone must be famished. I pick my mouth up off the floor and follow her like the hypnotized puppy in a trance that I am,  to the back patio where once again my breath is taken away.....

There are scattered small tables on the most dreamy patio I have laid eyes on, and a center table laden with a beautiful spread of scrumptious foods and beverages of every variety. I am practically salivating at this point....

Everywhere you look there are beautiful architectural features, planters, lanterns, blooming wisteria, you pinch yourself under the table sure you must be in a dream......the beauty is beyond description

 You proceed to sit at a beautiful table overlooking the vast lawn and enjoy a beautiful lunch and reminisce about old times, against the picture perfect backdrop of bright green lawn and a splendid compound, a compound you will be in for the entire weekend!

On top of this gorgeous cake, she has the most fabulous cupcake display I have ever seen....

She then announces she has a little gift for each of us (little being a very relative word) Something bright and beautiful is getting your attention and you cannot ignore the powerful magnetic pull that little orange stack of goodies has on you.....she says though we cannot open them until later that night.....hum, what might it be? 

After a delectable meal, she whisks you away to show you the "guest quarters" and announces that you have your choice of which you would like to stay in. You cannot imagine what lies before you but know that there is no such thing as a bad choice in this fantasy of a weekend!
This is guest house #1, how incredibly charming 
It even boasts its own small greenhouse and cutting room!
This is the girls room for visiting guests with daughters!
And this the boys room
The sitting area right when you walk in.....
The beautiful tranquil guest room
An elegant and pretty guest room bath awaits you, of course with cashmere slippers
I love the cozy eating nook
And the oh so pretty and serene living room is as charming as it is beautiful
What is that I spy over on the chest? She remembered!! Yes that's a tray of Lauduree macroons waiting to be devoured....she really thought of everything!

Utterly  mesmerized, and brainstorming how you can approach her about taking on a housekeeping job so you can stay here forever and ever and never have to leave (well, your husband and kids can come visit on holidays, hehe) you walk a beautiful time worn stone path to guest house #2, it is in my mind very hard to top that guest house and the macaroons!
The charming ivy is an indication that this is another winner and will make the decision difficult
This one boasts its own beautiful charming small kitchen
A sumptuous master guest suite fit for a princess
The coziest  little reading nook
A wonderful and  inviting sitting/living room
A wonderfully charming old world feeling bath with a deep soaking tub which is part of the master guest suite
And it has another beautiful elegant softly lit guest suite on the other side of the cottage
With this wonderful airy sunlit bath with its own private courtyard!!

But then, wait I saw something, is that what I think it is?  My eyes do not deceive me and this has clinched my decision in a big way! Yes over the macaroons!  Oh yea, this house is MINE!! And if you are dying to know what that little something is that "sold" me...feast your eyes on this...........

Isn't this mighty convenient? Thought you would like it!

Hum....decisions decisions! Which to choose? Have a personal favorite? Now that I know where I will rest my overwhelmed head for the night,  I am whisked away as _______________(friends name) is dying to show me the main house! We waltz past acres of formal gardens, sprawling picturesque meadows and pastures with grazing horses towards the main house. The entire time I am skipping as though I am living a dream! On to the main house, much more formal and much grander, every one of my senses is awakened up entering such a grand and palatial home.........

TO BE CONTINUED NEXT WEEK!! You won't want to miss it!

Time to snap out of it! Oh to dream, a girl can dream and what is life without dreams? BORING. I truly believe that!! Hope you enjoyed this little fantasy getaway...until next time, wishing you a wonderful day and for all my friends without electric and Internet, may it all be back TODAY!



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