

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Guest posting today at Simple Dwellings!

Good morning everyone!! Hoping today is going to be a good day, yesterday was a stressful day and I was happy to call it a day, crawled into bed unusually early just to have it end a little earlier:) Since we are officially in "crunch time" over at the house, unexpected and expected stresses and problems are par for the course but it doesn't make it any more fun! Also do you ever bolt out of bed at the wee hours of the night or morning, your mind racing with all you have to do, often suddenly remembering all kinds of things/deadlines that you need to meet? Well yours truly had such an "awakening" at 4:43 this morning and promptly got up to make up one of my infamous lists. Yes I am the unofficial queen of lists. Its so empowering to cross things off!!

When I was asked by a taste maker like Amber of Simple Dwellings to  participate in her popular series, "If my blog were a room", I came running! And I didn't hold fact I took it one step further and made it more like "If my blog were a house", so please stop by and say hello and see what you think! Also if you don't already know all about Simple Dwellings then you must check it out..its a wonderful blog full of beauty, style and pizazz. Please do come on by.........and wishing you a wonderful day!!
Come on over, click on header....

P.S. If you missed this weeks "which would you choose" click here, its not too late to cast your vote!


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