

Monday, October 10, 2011

Behind the Sherry from No Minimalist here!

Good morning, Hope everyone had a great weekend. Mine was actually quite nice, and really relaxing. Had time to take nice long walks, enjoy beautiful weather, it was a good one. Hope you had the same! I am so thrilled to present yet another wonderful, talented and dynamic blogger, say hello to........

.Sherry from No Minimalist Here

Sherry runs the popular blog, No Minimalist here (with a name like that, shes a girl after my own heart) I love visiting her and her stylish and chic take on all things design. Sherry is an antiques dealer ( lucky her) and clearly has not only a true passion for design but a brilliant take on style as well. Whether its her popular Open house party which features many other bloggers opening up their beautiful homes for all of us to see, or Sherry featuring something she has done in her own beautiful home, I know its always well worth the visit. Sherry grew up in the antiques business and has been in it herself for approx. 20 years. so she is a real pro on all things antique!  If you are not already familiar with No Minimalist Here, I cannot recommend it enough! You won't regret it. And for those who are already fans, I think you are going to love and enjoy learning more about Sherry, she is definitely so interesting and on more than one answer, I found myself shaking my head in either agreement on wonder and awe. Without further ado...

Click on the header to visit her blog and thank you Sherry for participating!
How did you end up blogging?
We had just moved into our new home and I was searching on-line for decorating ideas. I found a decorating blog and from there starting clicking on other blogging sites on their sidebar. I was up visiting blogs until 2:00 AM. I knew immediately that I would enjoy this and a week later I started No Minimalist Here.

A few things I love about fall are....................
I grew up in Florida and never experienced much of a change of seasons. Moving to Virginia opened up my eyes to how beautiful Fall is. I love the changing leaves and we try to make a trip to the mountains every Fall to do some hiking.
You get to spend a month at the perfect beach house on the beach, will it be Malibu or Nantucket?
They are both beautiful areas but my choice would be Nantucket. I love the architecture of the cape and I could spend weeks taking pictures of the gorgeous shingled cape style homes.

Two weeks first class all the way, is it London or Paris?
Paris of course. I would be at the brocantes every chance I got.

If I was 18 again I would.......
Save every penny to buy Berkshire Hathaway stock which sold back then for $15.00 share. If I had invested $1000 the stock would be worth approximately $7,100,000.00 today!
What would be on your plate for your ultimate dream dinner and dessert?
My dream dinner would be a picnic on the beach with my honey. Maybe shrimp salad, fruit, cheese, a loaf of crusty bread and a bottle of wine. Dessert would be chocolate covered strawberries.

Worst habit? Best trait?
Procrastination and loyalty

Tell us as little or much as you want to about your family?
Steve and I have three wonderful children and five amazing grandchildren. I lost my mom thirteen years ago but my dad and I are extremely close.
Favorite design trend?
I like the reclaimed wood look that Restoration Hardware has made popular. though I try not to make major purchases of trend items knowing they will probably be dated by next year.

One golden rule/advice for decorating that you would pass on
Only buy what you love!

Designer icon
There are many but my favorite has to be Charles Faudree. I actually met him last year and he was so funny and kind. He has had a great influence on my decorating style.
You get to have lunch with anyone in the entire world, could be from Hollywood, a famous author or playwright, a politician, rock star, a cooking guru, religious leader, anyone…who are the lucky two to sit at
your table?
I have always had a fascination with ancient Egypt. Steve and I were lucky enough to visit Egypt a few years ago and going inside the pyramids was such a thrill for me. I would invite to lunch archaeologist Zahi Hawass who has been excavating the area around Giza for thirty five years. I would also invite the original architect of the pyramids to explain how they were built and why..
A perfect day would start with a good hair day and end with feeling like I accomplished something.

If we could only live in one season year round, which would you choose and why?
Spring.   You will normally find me at a plant nursery. After a cold winter it is so wonderful to be outside and working in the garden.

Describe your favorite outfit.
Jeans and a white buttoned shirt. To dress this up I add a turquoise necklace, bracelet and silver hoop earrings. Put on heels and this outfit can take me almost anywhere.

Tell me about a dream vacation for you and your family……
We just returned from a dream vacation to Venice and the Greek Islands. I don’t know how we could top that.

Favorite movie or book that you could read or watch over and over?
My father forced me to see Gone With The Wind as a child and I have seen it four or five times since then. I have a large collection of design books that I pull out and look at often..
3 qualities that I think fairly describe me are.
Comedy or dramas?
Depends on my mood but I would normally go for the drama. I just don’t care for ones with a lot of violence.
A book that I have read in the last few years that I really really loved....................
The Secret Life Of Bees was a great book and I also really enjoyed Peter Mayle’s A Year in Provence and Toujours Provence.

In my next life… I will spend less time working and more time living.
One thing I absolutely cannot live without is....iced coffee.

If I have learned one thing in life, it isdon‘t sweat the small stuff!

And now a little recap on some of the things Sherry loves.....

Isn't she great? I love her answer about the two people she would like to include for a fantasy meal, tells you a lot about her inquisitive and intelligent mind, now that is a dinner I would love to attend! And that family trip you just took sounds like heaven! And then we have the love for Charles Faudree in common....such a ginormous talent, have every one of his books! Last, this cannot be completed without mention of the powers of the almighty iced coffee.....great answer to something you can't live without, Sherry because I can sympathize!! Thank you so much everyone for stopping by and thank you Sherry for being a part of this!!  Click here to visit No Minimalist Here. Hope everyone has a beautiful day.


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