

Monday, October 31, 2011

Behind the Jan from The French Tangerine!

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!  Who better to feature today than someone who takes the color orange (along with green) to the most elegant and stylish heights. Say hello to......... Jan aka  "Queen of mosaics" of the beautiful blog.....

   The French Tangerine

OK, Jan is a gal after my own heart. I feel like I know her and we both certainly have plenty in common, including an unwavering obsession with pretty things, chinoiserie, blue and white, all things French, and have a wicked sense of humor (I can most certainly laugh at myself as can she which makes her so endearing). I laughed reading over her interview and loved getting to know more about this fun loving gal behind The French Tangerine. Now that 2 of her 3 kids are out of the home, she has devoted herself to her blog and claims it "the best hobby ever"! Her blog always promises a serious parade of eye candy, whether she is playing "investigative reporter" and having her friends open up their beautiful homes or taking us behind the scenes to a fabulous antiques fair or show. Always something gorgeous  going on over there, that much is true. SO if you aren't already a fan, do check out French Tangerine. I cannot take a trip to blogland without stopping by and I am confident you will see what I mean once you visit this style maven. Did I mention that I have unofficially named her the doyenne of mosaics? NO ONE can make a mosaic like Jan, she reigns supreme in my eyes and has taken mosaic making to new heights. You go girl! So, without further ado let me present Jan from The French Tangerine...Jan, take it away!

Click on header to visit Jan over at the beautiful French Tangerine!

So,  how did you end up blogging?
I love spending time looking for beautiful images online. I can spend hours searching for the perfect object to complete a vignette in my home. It occurred to me one night that this inspiration might be of interest to others… namely my sister-in-law Nina. I really enjoy putting together the posts, and it keeps me on my toes… and inspired! I have discovered that I love the writing as much as the images!
A few things I love about fall are....................
No sweating with a sweater, jeans with boots, no fat arms showing, football games with family and friends, that awesome crisp air, dinner parties and the beginnings of comfort food. 
You get to spend a month at the perfect beach house on the beach,  will it be Malibu or Nantucket?
Nantucket. Absolutely Nantucket.
Two weeks first class all the way, is it London or Paris? Yes, please. Both sound perfect, but I'd have to go with Paris, after all, I am the french tangerine!
If I was 18 again I would.......I would switch my double majors from Education/Art History to English/Design… I love writing! (I might have to do a minor in Art History… I would miss that invaluable information!)
What would be on your plate for your ultimate dream dinner and dessert?
Homemade pasta with bolognese… and bread! FYI: Sushi or Pizza are close seconds. Cheesecake for dessert, Definitely.
Tell us as little or much as you want to about your family? I've been married to my college sweetheart for almost 25 years. Our oldest two are away at school, so we are down to one… which is comparable to owning a guinea pig… compared to the three. Come to think of it, I think the sudden extra time had something to do with starting the blog also.
Worst habit? Best trait? Procrastinating exercise – definitely my worst habit. I will wear my workout clothes all day in hopes of getting that workout in… I do not enjoy my workout so it's always at the bottom of the list. Best trait is probably my reliability. You can count on me to get the job done.
Favorite design trend? Hmmm… not really up on the latest trends… I do love the use of reclaimed wood. So many furniture lines are using reclaimed wood or painting wood to look old giving the furniture so much more warmth and charm and character. Not everyone can find or afford antiques… thank goodness the furniture manufacturers figured this one out!
One golden rule/advice for decorating that you would pass on  If you really love it, buy it. You'll find a place for it.

Designer icon Carol Glasser, Dan Carithers, Mary Macdonald
You get to have lunch with anyone in the entire world, could be from Hollywood, a famous author or playwright, a politician, rock star, a cooking guru, religious leader, anyone…who are the lucky two to sit at your table? Obama and Michelle… I have questions. If one of them can't make it, substitute the dog whisperer. I'd love to find out what the hell my dog is trying to tell me!
A perfect day would start with a good night's rest and end with phone calls from my kids.
If we could only live in one season year round, which would you choose and why?
Fall is a renewing time for me… cleaning out the yard, cleaning out closets, getting on a schedule. I seem to be more motivated in the fall… and again, the comfort food thing. Sitting by the fire pit on a cool night with family and friends… doesn't get much better than that.
Describe your favorite outfit. Jeans tucked in my boots, white blouse with a gorgeous scarf.. It's comfortable and casual but smart.
Tell me about a dream vacation for you and your family……Our current favorite vacation spot is La Palmilla in Los Cabos, Mexico. Our best vacation ever – we're repeating this year! My dream is a trip to South Africa… I think it would be life changing.
Favorite movie or book that you could read or watch over and over? Poisonwood Bible, Beach Music is an old favorite… Really hard to pick just one!
3 qualities that I think fairly describe me are.
Thorough, Funny, Serious

Comedy or dramas? How could I possibly choose? I love Step Brothers with Will Ferrell as much as A Beautiful Life with subtitles!
A book that I have read in the last few years that I really really loved..............The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield
In my next life I will .....Be a writer and a runner and naturally skinny
One thing I absolutely cannot live without is...............My cell piece
If I have learned one thing in life, it is...............….. You can't make everybody happy. It's my favorite thing, but not realistic. Another good one would be people believe what they want to believe, not always what's true… which can be frustrating.

And now a little recap on all the things Jan loves....

OK, do you see what I mean? How great is she! My kind of gal....We laughed and found it a little scary (insert haunted house music here) that we are so much alike. From how many years we have been married, to two oldest being away, to  her choice of meals and did you notice how she said "comfort foods" being one of the reasons she loves fall? You know I am always saying that. Be a writer and be naturally skinny (does being that way until I was 22 count) are things once again we have in common! Loved The Help too and really would like to be at your dinner with Oback and Michelle because I have questions too. Lots of them.  Thanks Jan for participating and to you all for stopping by. Do stop by and pay a little visit to The French Tangerine! Wishing you all a wonderful day.


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