

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Earthquakes, Harvest and Butterflies

That's a strange title for my post isn't it?

Today here in North Carolina, we felt the earthquake that was centered in Virginia.  It lasted about 7 seconds here...just long enough for me to run down the stairs out of my studio and outside.  All the stacks and stacks of dishes on my studio shelves were rattling and shaking!

On to the "Harvest" part of the post...

I spent the morning in my veggie garden, planting a fall crop of peas, lettuce, spinach and yellow beans.  Then I pulled some of my leeks...I think we are having potato leek soup tonight.  Yummy!

While gardening, this sweet butterfly landed on my leg and decided to visit me for about a half hour before it flew away.  Every time I put it down on a flower, it flew back to me!  I guess it was trying to tell me to stop and enjoy nature....

p.s. new project finished on Flea Market see it click on the link on my sidebar :-)
Welcome Home,


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