

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Behind the Angela and Renee from Under Spanish Moss!

Good morning! So happy to present a duo whose style, grace and fabulous Southern taste make up  the powerhouse duo behind another favorite blog, aptly named Under Spanish Moss. Angela and Renee, have become my dear "blog friends" (we hope to meet in person one of these days and I am sure we will). These two stylemavens met over T-ball of all things at  one of their children's games! It is over a sport that they met, but it was their mutual love for all things decor and design that cemented this friendship in design duo heaven.
Both have backgrounds in the medical field but it is design, architecture and gardens that really lights their fire. They are business partners in their fabulous online store, La Caze which is chock full of amazing items for the home and co founded their blog, Under Spanish Moss. Their dream was to create a  family business through their mutual love of design, and as luck would have it, they are very much following and fulfilling that dream! Girls, so happy you participated. I am a big fan as you know. If you aren't already familiar with them, please stop by and say hello. It will be a click you will be glad you made!!

Angela and Renee, thank you so much for participating...its such a treat! Click on header to visit Under Spanish Moss.......

So....... what inspired you to start blogging in the first place? Since we can remember we’ve had a passion and love for design and architecture.  We enjoyed reading and were inspired by other blogs such as Belgian Pearls, Greige, Velvet and Linen and Cote de Texas and had an urge to get involved.  As a creative outlet and a way to share our passion, we decided to take the plunge. 
How did you come up with your blog name? For several weeks, we made a list of things we love about design, architecture, gardening and the South.  We shared stories of when we first visited a grand plantation, strolled down the streets of New Orleans and walked under the huge live oak trees in South Louisiana.  We both fell in love with the history, traditions, architecture and gardens in the South and shared stories about our experiences. We knew we wanted a name for the blog that was reminiscent of the place we love.  While planting annuals in the garden one day, we were brainstorming and throwing out words that come to mind when we think of the South.  Spanish moss came to mind and a light bulb went off.  

            Do you have a favorite all time movie? Renee: The King’s Speech or Pride and the Prejudice, they both have such a powerful message.   Angela: I don’t watch movies very much. However, I love stories of triumph and overcoming odds… snuggling up with my son and watching movies such as Seabiscuit and Secretariat.

            You get to spend a month in the European it Italy or France? Renee: Both, of course, France for cheese, bread, and wine and Italy for antipasto, bread, and wine. Angela: France 

            Favorite meal?  Renee and Angela: Does bread, butter and chocolate count as a meal?  

            Tell us as little or as much as you want to about your family?  Renee- I married while in graduate school to my best friend Nick Granier. We have two children Mary Elizabeth-8 born on St. Patrick’s Day and William “Law”-2 born on Labor Day during hurricane Gustav. My extended family also consists of 3 horses (Superman, Bugs, Lady) , 2 of the most adorable dogs  named Poncho (a low riding Bassett hound) and Goose (a very large male Weimaraner), we have three mischievous cats  (Isabella, Tux, Kitty), 2 mallard ducks (daisy and darling) and lastly a bazillion koi fish.Angela: I am the daughter of a minster who is one of the two greatest men I know. I moved away for graduate school and met my soul mate, Lance, who is the other greatest man I know. After dating for only nine months, we were married. We have an eight year old son, Grant, who is our miracle. He loves riding horses, spending time with his dad and team roping.  

           If you could have any career what would it be?  Renee: “A pilot” for my own private jet. I would love to fly to foreign destinations with my family. Yes, this includes the Foster family. However, Angela may need to be blind folded.  I hope to take our children abroad to learn the many different cultures, languages, and cuisines from many countries. However, I may have to settle on becoming a crop duster pilot in the Louisiana cane fields.  Angela:  A volunteer. I would love to have a business with systems in place that would allow for me to spend time helping others. For a while, I have wanted to be a CASA volunteer and do some volunteer work with organizations that rescue girls and women from slavery.  Unfortunately, my current career does not allow time for much volunteer work.  

       Favorite design style? Angela & Renee: French and Belgian 

      If you could only live in one color what would it be?  Angela & Renee: all shades of white 

     Favorite season and why?We love so many things about each season, so we find it to hard to choose one.  Spring is wonderful for us because we    love budding trees, the sweet smell of flowers blooming, and planting something new in the garden.  We adore summer because we love spending time at the beach, blooming hydrangeas, fresh vegetables and visiting the ice cream shop with our kids. Fall is great in the South because we finally get a slight break from the heat, perfect weather for horse riding and SEC football (too bad we are on opposite sides of the fence on that one). Winter is wonderful because of blooming shi shi camellias, our favorite homemade soups and sitting by the fire place.

 Design icon?  Pamela Pierce

 One place you haven't been that you want to visit- Paris

 What's your number one pet peeve?  AngelaRudeness    Renee: Dishonesty 

 What are the two best things about blogging? We love being able to forge relationships with others who share similar passions and sharing our passion with others. If  we can positively impact someone’s life in a small way through blogging, then it was worth every second spent.  

You get to have a private dinner with any two people in the world, they canbe from the fashion, design world, literary world, Hollywood,politics,etc....your choice. Who are the lucky two? Joel Osteen and Paula Dean 

 Do you have a favorite saying or quote?    Angela: “When the little man doesn’t know he is little he can do great things Renee: When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and  could say, "I used everything you gave me". 

Most overrated trend right now? Renee:  Fashion: Moo Moo dresses (NO help needed to look bigger) and Architectural: New construction looking too new and ornate vs. timeless  Angela I don’t follow design trends very much.  I prefer a classic style, but others should do what they love.  

 Reading anything interesting that you want to share?Renee: The most interesting book I continue to read includes stories similar to the News Headlines Today. The book        discusses politics, money, relationships, betrayal, hatred, murder, war, love, friendship, kindness, etc. The Book was written and discussed hundreds of years ago and is called The Holy Bible AngelaI can’t sit still long enough to read a book. It doesn’t allow for multi-tasking so I listen to audio books. I mostly enjoy motivational and self help books. John Maxwell is one of my favorites.  

You are 18 again. What do you do?  Angela:  The experiences I had both positive and negative shaped who I am today so I don’t think I would change a thing. Renee: I agree with Angela. Life at 18 had both positive and negative reflections, however, the person I have become and the ethics that I carry were shaped in those vital years, and therefore I wouldn’t change a thing.
 What are your plans for the summer? Horse back riding with our children, hanging out at the beach as often as possible and enjoying the dog days of the hot summer by staying cool as possible.

 In ten years…Renee: I hope to have slowed down and spending more time being with family and friends.  Angela: Doing what I love and making a positive difference in the world.

 If you could live anywhere on earth and money was no object where would you go? 
Angela: as corny as it may seem: There is no place like home and for me home is where my family is.  I love to travel but need to be within driving range of my mom and dad.  An apartment in New York for a few weeks, a New Orleans court yard home for a few weeks, France for a month or so…travel and then home again. Renee:  Home is where the heart is. My heart is my family. I would like wherever we can all be together preferably traveling. New York for Christmas, Tulluride for snow skiing in late winter, New Orleans for spring, Europe or the Caribbean for summer and Maine for fall. I need up wake up from this dream NOW and go sweep the floors.

Best tip or two for any new bloggers reading this....... 
Blog about what you enjoy and it will lead to an adventure of learning and understanding. Just be yourself and don’t stress too much in the beginning. You’ll be surprised how accepting and kind other bloggers are.  

 Blogging to us is creative and inspiring

Give me four words that describe your personality. 
Renee described Angela as: Driven, Compassionate, Courageous,spiritual
Angela described Renee as: Dedicated, loyal, enthusiastic and aspiring

And now a little recap on what makes Angela and Renee happy.....

Can you see why I like these girls so much?  I love their ability to see the beauty in all things, in all the seasons. On a side note....anyone who loves pasta and cheese, chocolate and antipasto, is a winner in my book! Then I think it really speaks volumes about who they are to say that if they were 18 they wouldn't have changed a thing but see that all that has happened in their lives has shaped them to be who they are. Love that! Do visit them and say hello. Thank you for stopping by! Hope you have a wonderful day. Also just in case you missed yesterdays post, Party Resources and I are hosting a fabulous giveaway, two signed books by entertainer extraordinaire, Peter Callahan. His new book Bite by Bite is incredible! Click here to visit (must leave a comment on that post and on Party Resource to be eligible)


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