

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Remembering Marija

  One year ago today, July 10th, everything changed with the sudden death of Marija, an adored blogger.

  Having spent several days together in Atlanta on an antiquing trip, Marija and I were excited for the    drive home, there was so much to talk about; dinner the previous night with Eddie and Jaithan, meeting   all of my lovely friends in the business, our treasures found, blogging..........our future as new friends, oh the plans we hatched!

  Just before leaving the antique market Marija discovered the show was monthly, not annually as assumed, she squealed, jumped up and down, grabbed my hands and beamed "you are stuck now, i am coming with you EVERY month!"  I have not been back.

  As we were headed home, a horrific car accident took Marija's life, instantly. Cory lost a wife, best friend and constant companion. Olivija and little Nigel an adoring, nurturing Mother.
I, a piece of myself

  Have you ever been fortunate enough to have someone come into your life and experience that instant shared connection? That magic you both recognize at the time?  It does not happen often, maybe with your spouse, a friend or two, maybe? For me Marija was one of those.

Every night in the hotel room we stayed up quite late and talked. There was so much to say! As if we knew our time together was fleeting. One night Marija said "How do some bloggers write a post and within minutes have 50 plus comments, what are we doing wrong?! (said with a huge smile)" Little would she know that her next post, written by Cory as a tribute to his beloved wife, would garner 654 comments.
Everyone embraced this family, shared how Marija touched their lives and grieved collectively. Cory has left up her blog; 'Holding Court'. It is a place that seems tangible, to visit, read her eloquent words, revisit her humor, and for that moment, feel her presence.
As a tribute to this lovely woman Charlotta (predominately) and I, set up a memorial blog 'Holding Forth', many of you have written a post, and Patricia of PVE painted Marija's treasured home. Our wish is to bind these memories to ultimately present to her children. We would love for you to participate. I even think I may be able to write my portion soon.

To think I began this blog to share design with like-minded individuals, never imagining I would share my soul, find comfort, find friends and love. Thank you everyone, I treasure each of you immensely.

Please remember her and her precious family today.

I know Marija is smiling down on us all
with blessings-

Holding Court
Holding Forth
Eddie and Jaithan


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