

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Happy Thursday, an explanation and be back tomorrow!

Good morning!! I have been up since 5:30 after a ridiculously long and tiring (but fun) day yesterday. I panicked because I remembered that I forgot to wrap the small favors being given out for a very dear friends birthday today. So I have been playing "the wrapping elf" for the last hour, lol.  I am so glad that so many of you enjoyed my post on my pet peeves yesterday. I want however to make it crystal clear however, that with regard to cell phone usage I was not referring in any way, to a professional who actually needs their phone by their side every moment, that's a given for sure. And, touching on the "slow reaction" peeve, I certainly did not mean to include anyone who has some kind of learning disability or lets say ADD or ADHD. Again in a situation like this, that reaction cannot be helped and I would naturally be sensitive to it. (Next pet peeve post I promise I will start off with a Its funny in blogging, how when you open yourself up personally even a wee bit, you are most likely to get a strong reaction. I could see from 99% of the comments, that you all agreed with so much of what I said and so many of the comments had me laughing out loud. I loved hearing your stories and your pet peeves!  In addition,  I got at least 20 emails to that effect as well. So thank you for that, its a little nerve wracking putting yourself "out there" like that about how you honestly feel about anything. 

However I did get two emails from people who somehow seemed offended and one seemed actually annoyed that I dare go off topic from design and decor! I wrote them both back, but like everyone on this earth, I am not one faceted. A blog is a form of self expression and I personally am captivated most by others blogs when there is a personal element of some sort attached to the post. It could be about an experience, the highs and lows of a renovation, something that one of their children accomplished, but having that personal connection is fascinating and interesting to me. So there are going to be times that I will venture "off course" a bit, I am not after all following a manual but rather winging this and learning as I go along and hopefully those that follow me want to know the real me, not a fabricated version who plays to her audience. I above all else respect those that are true to themselves and remain loyal to their values and morals.  I learned long ago and its one of my sayings, that you cannot be all things to all people so I try to be true to myself. There, glad I got this clarified!! 

As you know Thursdays are always my "Things I am loving Thursday" post. But yesterday I was in Mass. getting my son then came home after seven hours in the car and had half an hour to get ready to attend a fundraiser/concert last night and saw Carly Simon! She was fabulous and hearing her belt out so many of her hits brought back a lot of great memories. She also performed with her two grown kids, Ben and Sally and it was such a treat. They are both very talented and certainly got the great voice gene! So there was not a minute to do anything yesterday and then on top of that I realized my son had borrowed my camera! So today after my "excursion" I am going to have a little photo session at the house and will do my normal Thursday post tomorrow. As far as today goes, one of my best friends in the entire world is celebrating her birthday and the pictures below are a hint of where a small group of us will be spending the day. I will be back tomorrow with a big house update post and my normal Things I am loving Thursday, but it will be a "things I am loving Fridays post". Enjoy your day!!


The gift and the "favors", I used sunflowers as I think its somewhat "winery-ish"! Be back tomorrow with details!! Have a wonderful day!



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