

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Now & Then

Hope you are all enjoying your weekend. We woke up to a winter wonderland this morning as we had a heavy snowfall overnight and no wind,leaving the branches of the trees laden with snow.

This is the same part of our garden in June.These are Miss Kim lilac standards.

Our little garden cottage this morning.

Then again in June.

The arbor(built by my husband) going into Martha's Garden this morning.

Then again in June.


And then. ( June)

Fence also built by hubby.


Old iron table and chair set on our balcony this morning.

And then it's summer!

South of house now.

And again in summer.

And then. It is early summer here.

There is beauty in all the seasons but as a gardener I will soon be longing to be out there again.

I thought you might enjoy seeing a little bit of now and then.

I am joining The Rose Garden in Malevik for Show Off Saturday and the house in the roses for Show off your Cottage Monday. Also joining Between Naps on the Porch for Metamorphosis Monday.

Thank you for visiting,



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