

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Summer Days in the Garden and Big News!

Hello Everyone,
    We are enjoying our summer days in the garden as our temperatures are warm but not hot with enough rain to keep the garden green and lush.- we had a good rain last night. Yesterday,my husband and I spent most of the day weeding,edging,deadheading and even moving a few perennials around because of clashing colors(watered them well).Normally,I wouldn't move at this time but because it is not as hot this summer and there is more moisture I think it will work.
We do have some Island ladies coming for a tour tomorrow evening.
The delphiniums are still putting on a pretty good show.

The hydrangeas are starting to bloom now and I love how they put on a good show for weeks with no attention.

The view from our balcony.

Annebelle Hydrangea with a Jackmani Clematis in the background.

Well,this is some of the highlights of our garden in summer.Next time I will show you the areas I missed today.
Now for my big news.........I am so excited to be included in Jo-Anne Coletti's new Feminine Home magazine that is coming out in August.Jo-Anne has the most romantic and feminine style and so many talents-I know many of you are already fans but if you have not seen her work yet please Check out her blog  Vintage Rose Collection and you can order a copy of her first magazine or pre order her new one coming soon.! Many thanks to Jo-Anne for including some of my photos of the garden etc. but also Thank you to my friend Linda at Beautiful Ideas for sending Jo-Anne to my blog- you should also stop in to see all Linda's beautiful ideas-you will be happy you did!

I hope you are enjoying your summer days too!



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