

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Behind the Elizabeth from Pretty Pink Tulips!

Good morning!! I am so happy to present my second post on my Behind the Blogger series and today we have someone whose blog I know many of you already know and love, Elizabeth from Pretty Pink Tulips. She always has such an elegant and refined touch no matter what she is talking about, whether it be a fabulous party planner she has discovered, flowers and gardens, decor, her own uber pretty and charming home, whatever....she certainly has the gift of captivating you and I promise if you don't know her blog already it is so worth the visit! Elizabeth perfectly combines a certain charm and grace from her Southern roots with a sophisticated savvy and her blog is a culmination of her wonderful style. So I was thrilled to get to know a little more about Elizabeth and her inspirations. 

Thank you Elizabeth for participating!
Click on the header below to visit Elizabeth's beautiful blog.......

So....... what inspired you to start blogging in the first place? I had agreed to be on our town's Home Tour and was introduced to blogs by a friend. One of them was Eddie Ross. I bought a couple of items from his Etsy shop and that led to email correspondence and then Eddie & Jaithan coming to the Home Tour and being the guests of honor at a luncheon I threw that day. Meeting them and reading more blogs drew me into this world. I felt as though I wanted to be a part of the conversation, not just observe it. After a year of contemplating this....I just felt the urge to create Pretty Pink Tulips. I've been at it every week day since that time. 

How did you come up with your blog name? One of the things we did to our home after we bought it was pull out all the overgrown landscaping and start from scratch. The first year, we planted nearly a 1000 pink Menton tulip bulbs. They have become my outdoor "signature" and I felt it would be a fun, happy name for my blog.

Do you have a favorite all time movie? I love movies, so it is hard to pick a favorite. But, one I adore The Thomas Crown Affair with Pierce Brosnan and Renee Russo.  

You get to spend a month in the European it Italy or France?
This is so hard.....I think I'd have to flip a coin. 

Favorite meal?I'm from Texas, so my favorite meal is Tex-Mex. Chips and guacamole, enchiladas, tortilla soup. I strategically plan my meals when I'm home for visits so I can visit my hometown favorite, Mi Cocina.

Tell us as little or as much as you want to about your family.
I'm a 5th generation Texan who married a boy from the Midwest. We've lived on both coasts and have 2 little boys, who were both born in the South but being raised in the Northeast. Molly, our new King Charles Cavalier, is the "girl" in my life. 

If you could have any career what would it be?
I would love to be a writer and a photographer. Hmmm....I'm kind of doing that now.

Favorite design style? I like a variety of me that interest is in the mix. High/Low. Traditional/Contemporary. 

If you could only live in one color what would it be?
If I was limited to one color, I think it would have to be a soft, pale blue.

Favorite season and why? Summer....because it makes me think of being outdoors, on the beach, chasing fireflies, barefoot in the grass, tall glasses of lemonade, flipflops and freedom as a child.

Design icon? I have two. Jan Showers and Melissa Rufty. Though their styles are different, I would consider it a privilege to live in any home they designed.

One place you haven't been that you want to visit-
The French Riviera....high on my fantasy list!

What's your number one pet peeve?
Rudeness. There's really no excuse for it.

What are the two best things about blogging?
1) The friendships that I've made 2) The exchange of ideas with like minded individuals. I think most of us who blog have been amazed at how many people out there appreciate the same things in life that we do. We probably would have never found each other before technology and blogging existed.

You get to have a private dinner with any two people in the world, they can be from the fashion, design world, literary world, Hollywood, politics,etc....your choice. Who are the lucky two?
I think to have a private dinner with Oprah and Bono would be a mind blowing experience!

Do you have a favorite saying or quote?
Yes, I do! "Bloom where you're planted". My mother told me this years ago and it has stuck with me, as I have moved....a lot! I take it to mean, there are amazing people and opportunities no matter where you are. It's up to you to make the most of it.

Most overrated trend right now?
I honestly don't know. I try to stick to classic elements that can be updated with accessories, so I don't follow a lot of trends.

Reading anything interesting that you want to share?
My book club is reading Half the's a little heavy for beach reading, but that's what I'm working my way through right now.

You are 18 again. What do you do?
I might have gone to college further away from home. I definitely would have figured out a way to study abroad. And, I would have  taken a leap into the fashion or design world as opposed to banking.

What are your plans for the summer?

I am fortunate to live in a town that is right off Long Island Sound, so I will hanging out a lot at the beach club, while my boys are at camp. I love to take a magazine or book and just sit under an umbrellas, facing the water and enjoy the view.

In ten years I will be....................
Writing, taking photos and trying to create a beautiful life.

If you could live anywhere on earth and money was no object where would you go?
St Barts is one of my favorite places....I think I would be very happy living there!

Best tip or two for any new bloggers reading this.......
Find your voice and just keep at it. Also, to get the most out of blogging you must cultivate relationships with other bloggers. 

Blogging to me is a creative outlet and an amazing addition to life  

Give me four words that describe your personality.Happy, kind, creative, thoughtful.

And now lets recap what makes Elizabeth tick.....

Thank you nice getting to know you. We have so much in common, no wonder I feel like I know you! Don't forget to visit Pretty Pink Tulips and until next time.......


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