

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Let the tool hunt begin….

Today my wife, son and I are headed to the International Antiques and Collectibles Show.  I am on the hunt for some antique tools.  I am mainly looking for some hand planes maybe a couple of hand drills and pretty much any other thing I can find.  I am really looking forward to this.  I am hoping to find some good deals and can’t wait to restore these tools back to pristine condition.  It will also give me a chance especially with the hand planes to hone (you guys see what I did there) my sharpening skills.  I can honestly say when I was a kid I never thought I would look forward going to antique show.  My how a little bit of time changes things. 

I am kind of on this hand tool kick and want to get some of the older tools to give them a whirl.  I am a huge fan of Roy Underhill he is an amazing craftsman.  I can only hope to achieve half the skill that he has gained over his years of woodworking.  He has a school in Durham and I really hope to be able to take some classes with him and some of his other instructors.  I hate that I live 3.5hrs away.  I however will not let that stop me. 

Anyway…  I have been told that it is time to get ready and go….  I will post any great finds that I happen upon. 

Have a Great Day!



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