

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Jelly Cupboard Build Day 5

Who knew it would take so long to build this thing.  Well when you only get a few hours in the shop a day it can take some time. 

I was able to get the face frames attached today and spent some time dry fitting all the other components.  IMG_3428_1024x768

Here I am testing out the back slats.  I had to fine tune them a little to get them to work well.  I am pretty pleased.  IMG_3429_1024x768  Here is what things look like from the front side.  You can see how the Ship Lap slats give it a unique look and feel.  One thing to note if you do plan on a project that uses this type of back you will want to paint the individual pieces before permanently installing them.  The wood will expand and contract from season to season so those joints through out the year will be different and if they open up and you painted it while it they were close then you will see bare wood.  Plus it’s much easier to get in between the joints when they aren’t installed.IMG_3430_1024x768  This is the bottom face frame plate.  There will be a kick plate on the front of this.  There is a 1/4” reveal on the bottom shelf.  That will provide a stop for the door on the bottom.  However I didn’t pay attention enough to the plan and didn’t allow for the same reveal on the top face plate.  So the door could technically push through.  I have a fix for this and will show you that when I come to it.  Some of you probably already know what I am going to do.  Let me know what you think I am going to do.  Anyway.  IMG_3433_1024x768 This is the uncut kick plate, there will be and nice arched cutout on it when I am done.  I should hopefully get that done in the next few days.  The plan calls for a round over on it.  I can’t decide if I want to do that or just knock the corners off with the sander.  I am going for more of a primitive look than a country look maybe I will cut a second kick plate and do it both ways and let my wife decide.  IMG_3434_1024x768 Here we have the final dry fit shot of the night.  The top.  I clamped up the back and roughly centered the top.  Then it dawned on me that hey I just built a book shelf.  That was easy.   That is it for now.  In the next couple of nights I need to finish sanding the whole project to 220 Grit, build the door.  I need to order the tin and the punch tools so that my wife can create the punched tin inserts.  Paint the carcass and the door.  Once we are done with the punched tin then I can install that all in the door and mount the door.  I am not sure how long the process of punching the tin for the four door panels will take, neither one of us has ever done that.  Do any of you have any experience with punched tin?  Let us know…. 

Have a Great Day!


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