

Monday, January 21, 2008

~* Some New Items *~

Hello dear blogging friends, I hope all is well with all of you! I'm feeling better, but still not 100%. Whatever this bug is it sure likes hanging around. I still have a few more days of antibiotics so hopefully it will knock-out whatever I have. DD is doing better, too. She ended up with a sinus infection (just like me) but hers went into her eyes as well so she is also on a prescription eye drop plus antibiotics.
I thought I'd show you some new things around my home. This picture is of WELCOME blocks that I got from a Home and Garden Party my dh's niece had several months ago. We just found out yesterday that she is expecting her first child...I'm so excited to be a great Aunt again!
I found this tin sign at a favorite local shop. I just need to figure out where to hang it in my kitchen...I'm getting a lot of signs.
I found this wonderful little black cupboard at Wal-mart in the craft section for $10.00. I'm going to use it as a spice rack. I found some Watkins spices at Wal-mart in vintage looking tins that I think will look sweet in this cupboard.

And last but not least a cookie jar given to me by my friend, Beth, for Christmas. It goes perfect with my decor...Thank You, I just love it!

Thank you for stopping by for a visit...I always enjoy your company and the sweet comments so many of you leave for me.


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