

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Guest posting today at Inspired Design!

Hi there...hope you had a great weekend! Ours was busy and great but oh so hot!  I was melting and don't know if I have ever felt such incredibly hot weather, about 100 as a temp but once the humidity was factored in the index's were more like 109!! As you can see I have been posting less...there's been a lot of coming and going so my posting and blog visits have been sporadic. I do try to visit all my favorite blogs (and theres a ton of them) when I can, but realistically I expect this is how it will be for most of the summer. However, come fall I expect things to go right back to a more regular schedule (and I look forward to it). This summer has been quite busy with not as much downtime as I would like, so really hoping August might be a bit more relaxed! Moving on.....

Today I am over at one of my most favorite blogs and the guest of one of my best blogging friends, Debby of Inspired Design. Yes, that gorgeous blog that promises a perfect dose of stunning style, picturesque travel pics, inspiring images and always a well written prose worth reading every single word of. Debby knows just how to draw you in and my morning blog rounds simply would not be the same without a stop over at Inspired Design. Debby started her "Smitten with summer" series and asked me to guest post, naturally I was thrilled and jumped at the chance! Please stop over and visit me there, click here to visit!

Just a brief sidenote Debby, being the talented girl and photographer that she is recently launched her online store, Inspired Design Print Shop,  featuring the most gorgeous photographs (perfect for framing and hanging as a grouping) of her favorite places on earth. Places like Nantucket, Paris and California. The giclee prints (8x10)  are absolutely gorgeous, well priced and a really terrific way to display your love for some of your favorite destinations, also a superb gift idea! I think they are so well done, just had to share. Here's a sneak peek of what she offers...............Click here to visit her Print shop.

Pretty gorgeous don't you think? Thanks for stopping in....see you over at Inspired Design!



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