

Monday, March 19, 2012

Just Peachy!

Hello everyone,
         Can you believe that today is the last day of winter? I for one am happy to welcome spring tomorrow and so far it is looking like we will get an earlier spring this year with the temperature going up into the high teens for a couple of days! I took a little stroll around the garden-well the parts that are not snow covered anyway and I saw some daffodils poking up and some little snowdrops blooming!!!
    I was feeling peachy today so I am joining Tea Time today at Rose Chintz Cottage. I love my pretty peach roses above..
 I am using my Country Rose china by Skye Mc Ghie today. 

Biscuits and tea make a nice little treat.

.Now,that things are back to normal around here I am back to working on our bedroom makeover and it is finally starting to look better. I made some curtains for around the bed today but I still have the little touches to do and a bit of painting before I can show it to you. I am hoping to be done soon so I can finish up my spring cleaning before garden season arrives.We have some tours booked from Japan again starting in June so it is a good incentive to get things done early.

Don't forget it is Tea Time Tuesday at Rose Chintz Cottage today-Thank you Sandi for hosting!

   Thank you for joining me for tea today!



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