

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


And a happy Tuesday to many of you, I am prone to spending a lot of time looking at various websites of designers and architects whose work I am a fan of. Every now and then, I really fall in love with the work of one and make a regular habit of going on their sites for my daily fix of eye candy or for divine more than ever since we are in the throes of home building! There are a number of amazing architects on this planet (one of whom is my own and a major talent but he does things the old fashioned way and does not have a website though that may change) so for today, I am happy to share with you the first of my architect crush posts', none other than the great, ginourmously talented, mega accomplished, multi award winning Robert A.M. Stern. He and his not so small team of 220 talented individuals are responsible for some of today's most exciting  residential and commercial work worldwide. He has designed and dreamed up some of my favorite homes and interiors over the last forty one years. His firm takes him all over the planet and they have done work  on literally every continent. Here's a taste of what hes all about.......

And his interiors aren't too bad either!

So what do you think? Are you already a fan or if you weren't have I converted you into one? I think there is a reason this renowned architects work spans every country around the world and why he is respected and revered amongst his peers like few contemporary architects today. He is one who will go down, I believe like so many greats before him, in the history books! If you really love his work, might I suggest an incredible "bible' of a book, which I adore and both my architect and I refer to often, aptly named "Houses"...its fabulous!

Hope you have an enchanted day!



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