

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Another Snow Day!!!

Hello everyone,
      Well, we had another snow day here on the Island with schools and work cancelled for many people.We are getting more snow this winter then we have had for the past few years even though we had a late start on winter-it was mid January before we had any real amount of snow and cold. We now have high banks of snow along the sides of the road but even in our yard it is filling up. Andrew has done a lot of shovelling lately- I would help him but sadly we only have one shovel. ha!ha!

Andrew has even had to shovel some snow off the roof of our house - too much weight on the roof.

I opened the door and took this shot a few minutes ago.

I am showing you these pics because some of you were wondering if I was working in the garden yet. I think it might be awhile for me yet.
Notice how the snow is up to the top of our picket fence which is about 4 ft. high. Andrew also had to shovel off the cottage roof as there was about 3 ft. of snow on it . Some years we get lots of wind with the snow to blow it off the roof but this year not so much.

I love the snow but by March I will be hoping it goes quickly.

This was shot from our bedroom window on a sunny day last week. A winter garden can still be beautiful to me.

I do enjoy watching the birds from our kitchen window. This downy woodpecker is a frequent visitor.

I love the chickadee's.

These mourning doves like to sit on the arbor outside our window.

They are such sweet gentle birds.

On a drive up west last week I took a picture of this pretty little church..

Well, the weather man is predicting a sunny and; warmer day on Thursday (2 degrees Celsius.) So, it may start melting some of this pretty white stuff. I think I need to get out my cross country skies and enjoy it while I can!!!

I am showing you these pics because some of you were wondering if I was working in the garden yet. I think it might be awhile for me yet.

Before you go , I want to tell all you nature lovers about  Flower Hill Farm a blog that is full of beautiful photos of Carol's amazing organic garden that attracts so many beautiful birds.  Carol is a wonderful photographer and is so dedicated to her farm and the wildlife on it. I have learned so many interesting things about the life of birds if you haven't already been there I hope you take time to pop in and enjoy!

Also, the header on my blog has disappeared-does anyone know why this happens? A couple of years ago ,all my photos from my first year of blogging vanished never to return so I would hate to have that happen again.

Take care,


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