

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Part II The best celebrity homes....fabulous!

Desire increases when fulfillment is postponed. 
 So our journey continues to a few more celebrity homes. Again many different styles reflected here but they all have one thing in common, great design sense! They all work....and unfortunately that is whats missing from so many homes today, too many decorating tragedies. So hope you enjoy these as well......first we go to California to see Rob Lowe's elegant Southern inspired home built right on the California coastline. What makes this also so fabulous are the Northeastern traditional touches, not your typical sunny state residence but very elegant and extremely well done.

This beauty was designed by architect Don Nulty (featured in Architectural Digest)

The master bedroom in all its creamy glory with views of the ocean and mountains

The elegant living room, inviting but still formal

Another example of why the backs of houses are so pretty! I also love the big wide balconies (definitely a southern thing) and the cream and white outdoor furniture doesn't take away from the serene feeling

Off one of the upstairs balconies, what a view!

Then we go to another fabulous area of California, Beverly Hills, no stranger to amazing residences,  to visit Rod Stewarts very lavish (and somewhat unexpected- think I was expecting him to live in a more "rocker" type house) house. This was a very pleasant and extravagant surprise. It is beautifully and very formally done.....all interior design is done by the interior design firm, Hendrix/Allardyce and this spread was featured in Architectural Digest. One little tidbit of trivia, you might not know, Rod Stewart is a major collector and said he has dreamt of working at Sotheby's! He especially likes Regency furniture and marble statuary. He has obviously, excellent taste. He reads auction catalogs in bed......who would have thought? Lets have a look.......


The sunny yellow stucco facade (love those french blue shutters and lush foliage)

The gorgeous library, loooove those colors, so rich and warm

How beautiful is this living room? Everything about it oozes luxury, refined and understated elegance all the while making it feel very warm and inviting.....

The dining room, again such wonderful and happy colors, normally I am not a fan of marble in the dining and living room but it sure does work here.

One of the views from the side porch...not too bad!

Gorgeous canopied bed in the master suite, the same soothing colors flow throughout the house

The rear of the stunning home, the colors are such a picture! Truly a paradise....

Moving right the top floor of a sleek Manhattan apartment building and to the dramatic and exotic apartment of Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell. This is one of those homes that no doubt looks amazing at night, which is the reason I suspect Arch Digest chose to shoot this particular spread in the evening under a star lit sky...very dramatic but breathtaking


Interiors by Chubby Spector, does an entrance get any more dramatic than this?

Part of the inviting living room, I am feeling a lot of "Indonesian accents"

The living room with the spectacular views, love the floor to ceiling glass

What a luxurious bed and what a view to match!

Another angle of the dramatic living room, you don't see greenery used very often in formal spaces anymore do you?

Hope you enjoyed this quick jaunt to three fabulous homes! Part III tomorrow, so please be sure to come back for more glimpses into celebrity homes. Which is your personal favorite?


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