

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Our Library/ Dining Room


Hello everyone,
   I hope you all enjoyed your weekend. We had some lovely sunny warm weather here and I was able to get some bulbs planted in the garden. I found a great sale on them at Vankempen's- they are $1. a bag for anyone local who is interested.
   Anyway, I am sharing a few changes in our library/dining room. I did get a new smaller round table (perfect for four)and I traded a bigger carpet with my daughter for this smaller one that shows more of the hardwood floor.

  We already had this candle chandelier but it was used outdoors in the terrace in summer so now it hangs over the table in the library(from looking at the pics I think I will lower it a bit though).
  It looks really cozy at night with the lighted candles.
 I am a window peeper or door in this case!
 Table vignette
 There used to be a big armoire in this corner as some of you may remember. My other daughter gave me this old chair that i love but it needs to be recovered so I just put some fabric on it for now but what I really wanted to show you in this corner is the French looking tapestry. I loved it the minute I saw it at Coulson's and it was only $16,
I put this picture in to show you the armoire before pic.

This is what it looks like now upstairs in our guest room. I really like how it turned out but might antique it someday.
 Well, this is Metamorphosis Monday at Between naps on the Porch so I am joining Susan again for this inspiring party. Thank you Susan for hosting.

Thank you so much for visiting me,


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