

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My Gardening Wish List

Christmas is just around the corner so I thought I would do up a gardening wish list.  The nice thing about gardening is everyone knows you garden so it is  easier to buy gifts for those special occasions.  Here's a few things that are on my gardening wish list:
seeds - I'm especially fond of receiving seeds and it doesn't matter what.  I look forward in anticipation to see if I can get the seeds


Look what I just recently found packed up that I had completely forgot I had...

Don't you think they would make such cute little appetizer trays?
Any other ideas?

I'm Back!

Hi Everyone!  I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  I did!

I spent the week in Naples, Florida with my sisters, in laws, nieces, nephews etc.

We went to the beach.....

......and watched the sunset.

I am saving the rest of the pictures for January or February when we could all use a little warmth and sunshine!

I will be around to visit everyone as soon as I catch up on laundry.
p.s. double click on the pictures to enlarge.
Welcome Home,

A White Tea !

 Hello everyone,
      Can you believe it is December already? The time will go by so quickly from now until Christmas.

So I hope you will have time to enjoy some quiet time and a cup of tea.
 I am slowly getting my Christmas decorating done.

 A nice cup of hot tea is soothing to the soul don't you think?

Today, I am joining Sandi again for her lovely Tea Time Tuesday at Rose Chintz Cottage .So many lovely teas to enjoy!

Have a lovely day,


Christmas Craft : How to make Paper Snowflakes.

Snowflakes are so pretty and its so easy to make paper snowflakes in different designs, using just a sheet of paper and scissors. The wonderful thing is no two snowflakes are ever alike and you can cut your paper in different designs and patterns each time too.

In this post I have got instructions from Martha Stewart, she has these really neat instruction for folding the basic shape, and a few pretty designs to get you started, and with a little practice you would be cutting and snipping away happily, waiting to unravel the design. Its really makes very pretty Christmas decoration and you will love making them.

Pretty Paper Snowflakes

Here are some really easy to follow steps by Martha. The basic shape is the same while the design you prune/cut will make snowflakes in different pattern and design.

For beginners these patterns are easy to make, just copy then and go about with your scissors. Involve your family and friends for a good time this holiday. Paper snowflakes are simple with these instructions to guide you.

Few more patterns for snowflakes for you to try. Use them and then try some of your own too.

Image credit: papersnowflakes

A few simple patterns for kids to try. It really is a great family fun project for Christmas holiday !!

Check out some more Christmas Ideas
These post are Holiday special and I have one more coming up soon. Please be back for some more unique ideas and inspiration.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Unique ways to decorate for Christmas on a budget !!

Hey everyone! I am really excited about Christmas, and everytime I see holiday decorations elegant and unique for my readers I bookmark them. Holiday decoration is so much fun, specially when you have so many ways to decorate. I have been looking for ideas that would work great in apartments as well as bigger spaces specially on a budget.

Check out my post on Unique Christmas trees , and Pine cone decoration projects which are absolutely in style and elegant.

I am amazed at the creativity ! Frosty colors, cutest little corner in the town. This Christmas tree is so unique and perfect for small spaces and apartment or dorms. Those looking for a really inspiring idea, this is just the one.

How much fun can a family have on holidays? How about a bucket of popcorn and strings of marshmallows and popcorn on the tree,as you catch your favourite Christmas movie. A perfect decoration project to get your children involved, memories are made of happy times spent together.

String together a bunch of glass baubles on a ribbon. A budget way of decoration that is stunning and creative . Spray paint bottles get some flowers and you have your pretty Christmas setting. Perfect for small places and empty wall. Christmas decoration so unique.

Do you have a bunch of baubles lying around. How about this stunning yet simple decoration for the dining room. No need to get a special chandelier when you can have such a lovely decoration. Christmas is so much fun when you have your little creative projects to show off. Pretty and simple!

Another beautiful idea for pretty Christmas decoration. Decorate your staircase with goodies in coffee mugs, more colorful more the fun :) Tie them up with cute ribbons. Perfect!


Beautiful wreath made with pinecones and black baubles. Such a statement wherever you decorate it.The huge size and different color scheme is what makes it so unique and impressive.

 How pretty does this corner look? Hanging stocking on a branch, a great decoration idea for apartments and smaller places. These look adorable and love the little details in it. My fav :)

I love how cozy and festive this look is. The setting is just perfect for the holidays. The ornaments handing from the stairs to the glass baubles with tea lights. Make your own with bell jars and bottles, get creative.

I have already put up a few posts and will be doing a few more. Get the most while decorating this Christmas, get creative and crafty and there will be more ideas to inspire you right here.

mark your calendars

Friday, December 3rd. That is the day you want to highlight on your calendar. To start things off, The Willows is having our monthly first friday flea market. You definitely do not want to miss it this month, as it will be full of amazing gifts for everyone on your list. Perhaps we will have a few sneak peeks for you in the days to come... Then that evening while you are shopping at Crafeteria (remember when I told you about the New Times Best Indie Craft Fair? You don't want to miss that either... keep writing all this on your calendar), send your husbands, fathers, boyfriends, brothers or any man in your life to the Willows for our Mens' Night Out. From 4-7 this Friday night, our store will have all sorts of food and drinks for your men to enjoy while they buy you everything on your list. You are all invited to come in anytime before Friday to fill out a Willows' wish list, so anyone shopping for you knows exactly what you are hoping to find under the Christmas tree...

Hope to see lots of you at all these fun events this Friday!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Christmas Cottage

Hello everyone!
   I hope you all had a great weekend. We got some fresh new snow over the weekend along with some sunshine so it was beautiful on Sunday.
  Last week we were working in the cottage putting insulation in and then pine wall boards over the walls. we didn't do the ceiling yet but that is next years project. Anyway,when we finished slapping a wash of paint on I decided to decorate the cottage for Christmas again. other years we were on a Christmas house tour and the cottage was part of the tour but this year I decorated it just for me and of course you too!

I love this toile quilt and shams.
I know many of you have seen our little garden cottage before and know that most everything in it was either free or a thrift or yardsale find.

a closer look at the quilt- it has windmills on it.
a tea tray for you.
I love the candle light reflected in the mirrors.
My thrift shop tree and Dollar Store decorations or thrift store.
mirror reflections
This was the look a few weeks ago.

 I hope you enjoyed the little transformation in our Christmas Cottage.
/I am joining Susan at Between Naps on the Porch for Metamorphis Monday again today.

If you would like to see the  romantic Christmas Cottage at night by candlelight you can visit my Christmas blog here.

Thank you for visiting me,


Saturday, November 27, 2010

~♥ Christmas Is In The Air ♥~

Here in Southwestern PA I awoke this morning to some snow was so delightful being in the nice cozy house and seeing the snow swirling about outside.

Have you all started decorating for Christmas?  While I haven't at my home...I usually don't start until December 1st...I have decided to change the look of my blog...I hope you like it.


I was invited to go to a Gob making party later today...doesn't that sound yummy?  My dear friend, Lisa, is hosting the event.  I wanted to give her a little gift for being so sweet...while I can't show you what I am giving to her (just in case she reads my blog) I can show you a picture of how I wrapped it...I was inspired by
Gooseberry Patch.

And speaking of Gooseberry Patch...I hope you'll watch the video's so inspiring and has gotten me excited about my upcoming Christmas Cookie Exchange that I am hosting at my home on Saturday, December 18th.

These are the cookies I made last year.


Thursday, November 25, 2010

A THANKS to you.....and the GIVING for a heart

 This stunning piece is part of the GIVING......but first, my thanks to all of you.

When each of us that blogs wrote our first post, we had no idea where this would lead.
If you were like me I thought "how on earth do i compete with so so many well established blogs out there?"
 Would there ever be room at the "table" for me?
The answer;  yes a resounding yes, I was not entering a competition (that's the old sports player in me) but a warm and welcoming family. Blogging and it's interactions, are now a large component in my life and I am thankful for each of you.
Not one to start out too slowly, I went to the top........Eddie Ross and Jaithan Kochar. I nervously reached out with an invitation to host a party in their honor when they were coming to the Kane County Flea market in Illinois. Imagine the screaming when I opened Jaithan's response....."Yes, we would love to..........."
Two years on these dear men are wonderful friends with a special place in my heart. We have shared much. Deep in my soul I know  they are the lifelong brothers I always wanted and I treasure them immensely. Could this have happened without blogging?
 This world I joined has been life changing. What a privilege meeting many of you; the talented people whose words and ideas have inspired me.   
Deep bonds have formed with many others that I hope to meet someday

 I am a better person, designer; landscape and interiors, possess a keener eye for those bits begging to be re-purposed, even becoming a newly re-ignited crafter (thought that was long over) and striving for honing any skill i possess as a writer and emerging photographer. Certainly my new SLR camera will solve all my issues............once I learn to use it!

                                 donated to Marija's family by Patricia of PVE blog

And then there was Marija of Holding Court, my new BFF. The joy of meeting this brilliant and funny individual behind the blog which resulted in instant magic, we were "forever soul sisters"
Anyone who reads my blog knows about the car accident which took Marija's life and left me scarred emotionally 
 My local friends, family and precious clients reached out. The blogging community had lost one of our own and rallied to Marija's husband, family and to me. 
note; a memorial blog called Holding Forth has been created for Marija's children. We would love to hear your story of interaction with Marija.
But since I rarely responded to those gestures of kindness at the time,(too buried deep within) I remain truly

And now for the giving............
As most of you are aware another "one of ours" remains in need. Valorie and Alberto of Visual Vamp

In brief Valorie and Alberto flew to Toronto for a Tango event. Upon exiting the plane, Alberto suffered a life threatening heart attack. The Canadian Health Care system is not particularly "foreigner friendly". Conferring with their Doctor in New Orleans he concurred that their method of treatment would be detrimental and Albreto needed to get home immediately for surgery.
Not so easy..............
  • Alberto was not allowed to take a commercial flight, he needed a Medi-Vac
  • The Medi-Vac must be paid in full, up front
  • The hospital had to be paid in full in order to secure a release
 We are talking huge sums and Valorie reached out for her beloved Alberto. Friends, family and her blogger community reacted. Funds were borrowed and donated. The borrowers lent their credit card and the payments are due. Having met and bonded with this darling couple, I would be honored to help. So I will stop rambling and get to it!

                                Art for a Heart

Another on-line auction. With the opportunity to both give and to receive. Seeking those of you that have something artful to donate. With the help of Laura Ingalls Gunn of Decor to Adore, she is guiding me on how to host this endeavor.
 Laura's generous auction can be seen here with all of her participants.

The lovely sister duo of Providence Design opened their new on-line shop with a big gala. Did you see? We were all invited! And.........10% of the sales are being donated to Val and Alberto
 A long winded back to this gorgeous piece of jewelry. Our first donation by a reader of the Visual Vamp's, wrote me about being honored to donate her art; this stunning piece was made by the generous Carla Fox.
I have a feeling Carla will be in demand, don't you love this?!!
 Second up, a painting by the generous Karena of Art by Karena........can't wait to see what she chooses!

Third: I will be donating a beloved antiquity, a French playing card from the late 1700's lovingly framed and matted, can't wait to show you!

 Who can participate? Everyone, you can be an artist and showcase your work, I will credit you and provide a link for your new fans. And any art form; painting, sculpting, jewelry, knitting, glass, mosaic..........  from your heart. 
 Want to help but are not an artist? Consider donating an item of art, however humble, in your possession or an object in honor  of your favorite artist,something that speaks to your heart. Just send me an email
Together we are strong. And......I detect a pattern here, do you? Bloggers and readers of blogs all belong to this amazing community and we will know where to turn should the need arise.

 Thankfully, to all those that visit, comment and extend your hand in friendship, loving you all


PS;  By accident I deleted all my fav blogger reader list. If your blog is missing, still re-building 




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