

Friday, October 15, 2010

A Frosty Morn!

Hello everyone,
A couple of mornings ago we had a very heavy white frost. In our garden we even had some pretty thick ice in the birdbath. I grabbed my camera and roamed around the garden taking some shots of frosty blossoms. The Julia Child rose was covered with ice crystals.
Mary rose was too.
Clematis was frosted too.
Rose hips
holly bush
Frosty monkshood or aconitum arendsii - a late bloomer

Do you see all that white frost on the ground?
This was taken in the evening- I like how the light is hitting them.
Fall colors by the picket fence.
We had our last home and garden tour of the season today as 29 visitors from Japan came on a bus from Prince Edward Tours. In spite of the fact the garden is well past it's prime- they had a good time!
This lovely 89 year old lady came with her daughter (who came to visit us 2 years ago) all the way from Japan. Once again I am so impressed with how young looking Japanese people are. Sorry the photo is blurry because there was not enough light and no flash.
I look forward to sharing our garden again next spring- you all come back now!

Now we are getting some rain and wind but garden clean up will begin in earnest when it clears up tomorrow.
I am joining Cindy again for Show & Tell Friday at My Romantic Home- loads for you to enjoy there.
Have a great weekend
Thank you for visiting,
p.s. Somehow, I am so sorry but I accidentally deleted all the links on my sidebar of 'nice places to visit' does anyone know an easy way to fix this, if you do would you please let me know? Thank you!


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