

Thursday, September 9, 2010

A Touch of Autumn!

Hello everyone,

We have had a touch of Autumn here lately (although today was hot again) so although I am still a little reluctant to say goodbye to summer I am starting to see the loveliness of Autumn . So, on a lovely fall day why now enjoy some apple cider and a lovely magazine in a shady corner of the garden.

I do love my mulled apple cider almost as much as a good cup of tea on a cooler day!

Sitting on the bench with the latest Victoria is a perfect way to enjoy a little afternoon break.

Did I mention that while you are relaxing here you can here the sounds of our babbling brook right behind you?

The peanut butter cookies I made for you taste so good with the spiced apple cider.

The newest Victoria helped to remind me of all the things I love about Autumn.

This little squirrel is chattering up a storm-I am pretty sure he has his eye on those peanut butter cookies!

I knew I shouldn't have turned my back on him! I hope you will click on to enlarge this one-so cute.Someday,I hope to learn how to add bigger pics on my blog. Hope, i have better luck with that then my attempt to do a video of the garden-I was getting seasick myself watching it! i will have to practice that for next year. Ah! so many things I have yet to learn.

He knew a good thing when he saw it-he kept coming back until every cookie was gone. I wonder if he would like the recipe- they are pretty tasty.

In case you would like to squirrel away a few of these treats for yourself, here is the recipe for you:

1/2 cup shortening or lard

1/2 cup peanut butter

1/3 cup white sugar

1/3 cup brown sugar

1/2 teaspoon vanilla

1 cup flour

1/2 baking soda

Beat 1st 4 ingredients then beat in the egg and vanilla. Mix dry ingredients and add to the first mix.When well mixed roll into 1 inch balls and place on cookie sheet flatten with a fork dipped in sugar and bake at 350 degrees for 10 to 12 minutes.

Well, now that Autumn is in the air I have been dreaming up other fun things to do- what about you?

Thank you for visiting me for this little Touch of Autumn and I hope you enjoyed a little respite from your busy day.

I am joining in with Susan at Between Naps on the Porch for Tablescape Thursday. It is always a treat to visit with Susan.

Take care,


p.s. my husband was able to enlarge some of the pics for me. Yea!


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