

Thursday, August 5, 2010

A Tour of our Garden


Hello everyone,

It was a hot day here but it is cooler now so we can enjoy a tour of the garden. this is called Martha's garden(Martha is the statue at the back of the garden).
I am joining Cindy at My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday again today. There is already lots to see over there.

The garden is at it's peak now with lots of color everywhere.

We have had great summer weather -lovely sunny days,cool nights and enough rain to keep everything green and lush. I only have to water planters and window boxes.

These beds are the southern beds viewed from the veranda on the back of the house.

If you continue on through the vine covered terrace(gazebo) you walk to the allee garden.

Chelsea Garden

The other end of Chelsea

My husband built this last year- it gave more of a focal point to the garden.

And here you can see the gardeners hard at work- I can't tell you how many buckets full of daylillies we have deadheaded lately!

I couldn't get my pictures to all go over together so there is more of today's post below.


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