

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Mulching is Done!

The 68 bags of mulch ended up being 88 bags before all was said and done.  Over time, we will add more plants and flowers, but for now, the beds are the size we want them and we will be able to keep the weeds at bay.

Here is a before shot of the front.
We had to move the arborvitaes and the other evergreens, because they had been planted to close to the house.  Some we were able to save, some not.

Here is the "after", keeping in mind that we will add more plants as money and time permit.
Now for a walk around the house....more mulch than plants at this time, but neat and tidy.

That is a Meyer Lemon tree in the blue glazed pot.  Hopefully in a year or so, we will have some Meyer Lemons.  We will bring the pot inside during the winter.

Welcome Home,

p.s. if it seems like all I am doing is outside posts lately, it's because that is where I am spending most of my time and energy.  I love being outside in the summer, don't you?

p.s.s. on a side all remember Barbara Jacksier of Waterside Cottages don't you?  She published that wonderful Waterside Cottages book. 

She is going to be the special guest on the Washington Post's Home Front Live Chat (Thursday July 8 at 11 AM).   So please stop in and join editor Liz Seymour and Barbara from 11 to 12 for solutions to your coastal --and other--decorating dilemmas.

The text of the live discussion will flow into the bottom of each discussion page during its live hour.
You can either click “Refresh” on your browser window or hit “F5” on your keyboard to see new responses.
Make sure you scroll down to see the latest answers.
p.s.s.s.  pass this along!


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