

Monday, March 8, 2010

Jelly Cupboard Build Days One and Two

I started the build on the Jelly cupboard last night.  Here is a picture of what I hope the end product resembles.JellyCupboard

I am planning on painting it.  I am going to use milk paint we are going to use Sea Green.  Which isn’t so much green as it is a bluish, grey green.  My wife will be doing the punched tin.  If anyone has any experience in punching tin please let give me your tips and tricks.  She(we) have never done it before and I have a good idea how I am going to do it but I wouldn’t mind some expert advice.  Last evening I only had a short time in the shop but it was enough time IMG_3399_1024x768to get both sides of the cupboard cut and glued up.  Here is my stack of wood that I will be using.   I used a biscuit jointer again to join the sides together.  I don’t really think they add much strength to the joint but it sure does make aligning the boards a whole heck of a lot easier.  IMG_3401_1024x768

These are the slots that the biscuit saw creates.






These are the biscuits installed in the board you put a biscuit in one half of the joint and then place the other half on top and align the board you have a little play each way with the boards.  IMG_3400_1024x768

This is the first side of the cupboard, rinse and repeat for the second.

Tonight I spent some time milling the rest of the lumber.  Here is the stack of milled parts labeled and ready to be assembled.IMG_3406_1024x768

One thing that I am going to do with this piece is trying a Ship Lap joint on the back.  Tonight I ran some test pieces to see how the joint worked and looked.  This is what that joint looks like.




With this joint I will only attach the top and bottoms of the boards to the back of the cupboard and this will allow the wood to expand and contract through the seasonal changes and moisture changes, plus it just looks really cool.  Anyway that’s all for now.  I will update you as I go along.  If you have any questions please feel free to shoot me an email.

Have a Great Day!


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